In our family who is Michelle's god child and who is Carl's?
Who is Matthew(Michelle) Paxton (Carl)
How old were Michelle & Carl when they got married
What is 22/23
Where is Michelle & Carl take their honeymoon?
What is Alaska
Where was Remi resuced from
what is 135
What is Michelles favorite song
What is uptown girl by Billy Joel
What is Michelle's favortive disney (cartoon) movie
What is Aladdin
In what year did Carl & Michelle meet?
What is 1997
How old was Michelle when she traveled for the first time ALONE?
What is 41
What did Remi have on him when he was rescued?
What it a tick
What did Michelle want to do besides being a mom?
What is be a lawyer
Who is Michelle's oldest friend?
Who is Lizzy
What is Carl & Michelle's wedding song
What is Amazed by Lonestar
How old was Carl when he moved out of his parents house?
What is 19
Why is Remi so special?
What is he filled a viod when kids went off to college
How many tatooes does Michelle/Carl have?
What is (6) Michelle (5) Carl
What was Michelle's first car?
What is a Plymouth Sundance
Where is Carl propose to Michelle?
Where is the beach (off the side of the road past field 10)
How many states have we traveled to play ball?
What is 11
What is Remis favorite food?
What is fancy feast
What is Michelle's Favorite flower?
What is Tulip
How many kids orignally did Michelle want?
What is 8
What is Michelle's favorite car?
What is a Monte Carlo
Where is our favorite place we visited ?
What is TN
What is Remi's favorite treat?
What is a lucky
What did Michelle call her dad when she was a little girl?
What is puck