Paint it Purple
Pretty in Pink
Going Viral
He's a Fun-gi
Diphyllobothrum & Drugs
Your patient presents with a productive cough. On exam, you note grayish plaques covering the tonsils. This is caused by a toxin that has this mechanism of action.
What is inhibition of Elongation Factor 2 (EF-2).
Patient presents with a recurrent ear infection. Culture is done, and it grows a multi-drug resistant, oxidase positive GNR. This organism produces a toxin most similar to which other bacterium's?
What is Corynebacterium diphtheria toxin (EF-2 inhibitor- P. aeruginosa)?
Patient is a neonate. She was born with a purple-blue petechial rash, jaundice, and hepatomegaly. Mother states she refused prenatal care. This leads you to believe that your patient may have a congenital TORCH infection. The likely culprit of this infection can present with which abnormal infection syndrome in adults?
What is heterophile antibody (-) mononeucleosis (CMV)?
Patient presents with a localized skin lesion. The lesion appears to be a patch of depigmented skin on the back. One possible description of the organism's microscopic appearance is ...
What is Spaghetti & Meatball (Malassezia furfur causing tinea versicolor or pityriasis)
This organism is a common cause of bladder carcinoma. It is acquired by penetration of the intact or broken skin during swimming. It is differentiated from other species in its genus by this unique microscopic characteristic.
What is a terminal spine? (Schistosoma haematobium)
15 year old female presents with fever of 102, and a peeling rash on her palms and the soles of her feet. She's admitted to the hospital, and develops jaundice, uremia, and dies of shock. The patient probably obtained this infection through which means?
What is improper tampon use?
Patient is a rancher from Missouri, presenting with a lesion on his arm. Vitals are pulse of 72, BP of 130/80, temperature of 103. The lesion is large, ulcerous, with a necrotic center, and you note axillary lymphadenopathy. You know that another organism causes similar disease- this disease is ____, and it is distinguished from your patient's presentation by ____.
What is Rickettsial pox, and fever (Ulceroglandular tularemia)
This small -ssRNA virus was the culprit of a debilitating neuromuscular disease, and can be prevented by administration of what type of vaccine?
What is an inactivated (Salk) or live attenuated (Sabin) vaccine?
Your patient is an American Indian living on the mesa of Arizona. He presents with erythema nodosum and arthritis, as well as a resolving pneumonia-like illness. CXR shows calcifications, but no noticable consolidation. Treatment for this dimorphic fungi is ____ for mild infections, and ____ for severe infections.
What are Itraconazole and Amphotericin B.
A patient is being treated for a persistent lung infection. He comes to see you because his spouse has noticed that his tears are a reddish-orange color. You know that this is because of which drug in his treatment regimen?
What is rifampin (For TB treatment)?
39yo M patient presents with a papule on his hand, which develops into an erythematous ring with a blackened, dead center. Patient is also noted to have axillary lymphadenopathy. The organism in question needs which toxin component to mediate action of its pathogenic toxins?
What is Protective Antigen (B component of B. anthracis- mediates entry of LF and EF into cells)?
You're an epidemiologist, and reports have been filtering in about mass deaths of birds and horses in the local area. The culprit is likely a +ssRNA virus of which family?
What is togaviridae?
Patient is a 42 year old type I diabetic. She presents with a worsening sore throat. On exam, you note white, creamy exudate in the oropharynx. One differential test includes incubation in animal serum and examination for which cellular structure?
What is a pseudohyphae?
Patient presents with granulomatous skin lesions. He wasn't too worried about them, at first, but he realized the other day that when he was cut over one of these lesions, he didn't feel the cut. Treatment for the presumptive organism should be started with which drug.
What is dapsone? (+Rifampin for tuberculoid, ++clofazimine for lepromatous)
This facultative intracellular pathogen causes neonatal meningitis in children whose mothers ate contaminated dairy or deli meats and cheeses while pregnant. Its method of cellular spread is mediated by which toxin and which movement modality?
What are listeriolysin O and actin 'jet' filaments?
A normally healthy individual presents with recent onset of diarrhea. She states it started yesterday, with watery stools, but this morning, she passed stool that was noticeably bloody. She also has a fever of 103, painful abdominal cramps, and a feeling of constantly having to pass stool, even if she just went. Culture shows an organism that is biochemically inactive and nonmotile. This organism avoids phagocytosis in a manner most like which E. coli subgroup, and kills cells most like which subgroup?
What is EIEC & EHEC?
You work at a free clinic in an impoverished area. Your patient presents with fatigue, recent loss of weight despite adequate nutrition, a low grade fever, and lymphadenopathy. You note antecubital scarring on the patient, and order an ELISA with a Western Blot to confirm the diagnosis. Your patient, if positive, should be started on an aggressive multi-drug regimen including which drugs?
What is HAART- 2 nucleoside analogs and a Protease inhibitor (e.g., Lamivudine, zidovudine, indinavir)
An asthmatic patient presents with recent exercise-induced asthma, including wheezing, cough, and shortness of breath. They state this is worse than their usual asthma. Fearing an infection may have caused this progression, you perform a bronchoalveolar lavage and note acute-angle branching hyphal fungi. You decide to start treatment with which two drug combination?
What are itraconazole and glucocorticoids? (for Allergic BronchoPulmonary Aspergillosis, ABPA)
A patient comes in to see you for severe RUQ abdominal pain. Fearing ruptured or infected gallbladder, you perform a laparotomy. Instead, you find a healthy, normal-appearing gallbladder, but note a cyst on the liver surface. In an effort to extract the cystic tissue, the cyst ruptures. You manage to control the bleeding, but the patient goes into shock and passes away on the table. What is the causative agent, and how else could this condition have been treated?
What is Echinococcus granulosis, and albendazole?
Patient presents for a pre-hire physical. He complains of a light cough, and a CXR is performed. Hilar lymphadenopathy is noted, and a biopsy is performed. The organism stains a fluorescent apple-green with Auramine-Rhodamine, and produces niacin. The serological test that would also help diagnose this is....
What is the Quantiferon Gold assay (Interferon release assay)?
Patient presents with a weeklong history of general malaise, with recent appearance of rosy spots on the trunk. She has recently begun to have a fever, headache, and hasn't passed stool in a few days. This bacterium manages to hide and remain dormant in which organ?
What is the gallbladder?
Patient is an HIV patient, complaining of blurred vision, photophobia, eye pain, and deteriorating visual acuity. The dose-limiting side effect of the treatment of this condition is....
What is bone marrow toxicity?
Persons at highest risk for an india-ink positive meningitis are those who live near or handle this animal.
What is a pigeon?
Your patient is a sweet 62 year old widow of Swedish descent. She presents with a worsening fatigue, complaining that everyday living is now difficult for her. Her CBC shows an RBC count of 3.3 M/uL, and an MCV of 110. What is the likely causative organism, and how would it be treated?
What is D. latum, and praziquantel?