What is a virus?
A virus is a microscopic organism that replicates only inside the living cells of an organism
A virus is a microscopic organism that can infect humans, plants, or animal
What is a fungus?
A fungus is a eukaryotic organism that includes microorganisms such as mold and yeast.
What are bacteria?
Bacteria are single cell organisms
What are parasites?
A parasite lives/feeds off of other successful organisms
How are a virus's usually spread?
Through contaminated surfaces/objects
How are fungi often spread?
Changing rooms or showers
What was the name of the bubonic plague that occurred in Europe in the 14th century
The Black Plague
How is bacteria spread?
Airborne, Surfaces, Food, Water, Bites
How are most parasites spread?
Skin, Water, Bites, Food
Who discovered the yellow fever virus in 1901?
Walter Reed
Pinworms are the most common intestinal worm in the ____?
How many people did the Coronavirus kill?
4 MILLION people have died due to the coronavirus
Clostridium tetani is a soil bacteria that causes___?
How many eggs can the female Brown Dog tick lay in one clutch?
1000-3000 eggs
How far can Ebola travel in a week?
19.3 km
How long have parasites been around?
512 million years