Gram negative dipplococci
Kidney or coffee bean shaped
Organisms seen intracellular on gram stain
Can be normal respiratory flora
Utilizes glucose and maltose
Oxidase positive
Neisseria meningitidis
Cause undulating fever
Pleomorphic coccobacilli
Caused from ingestion of imported goat cheese that is poorly pasteurized or unpasteurized
Brucella species
A. H. influenzae
B. H. aegypticus
C. H. ducreyi
D. All the above
What medium is used to isolate Legionella?BYC
Gram positive bacilli
Spore-forming, spore shaped like a “tennis racket”
Obligate anaerobe
Clostridium tetani
I cause whooping cough
I have three stages: Catarrhal stage, Paroxysmal stage, and Recovery stage
Gram negative pleomorphic coccobacilli
Grow best on Bordet-Gengou medium
Bordetella pertussis
Gram negative diplococci
Oxidizes glucose only
Causes genital infections
Neisseria gonorrhoeae
Which organism is non hemolytic on SBA but hemolytic on human blood?
Gram positive bacillus
Obligate anaerobe
Clostridium difficile
Gram negative bacillus
Coccobacilli – pleomorphic
X and V factors required
Positive Quellung test
Haemophilus influenzae type B
Gram negative bacillus
Growth on Campy plate
Growth at 42 C
Urease negative
Campylobacter jejuni
A. H. influenza type B
B. H. parainfluenzae
C. H. aegypticus
Gram negative bacillus
Non-lactose fermentor
Oxidase negative
Urease positive
Motile - Swarmer
K/A, gas, H2S
Indole negative
Proteus mirabilis
Gram positive bacillus
Obligate anaerobe
Canned food and honey are good homes
Mouse test positive for paralysis/death
Clostridium botulinum
CausesPontiac fever and atypical pneumonia
Gram-negative pleomorphic coccobacilli
Growth on charcoal yeast agar with iron and cysteine
Legionella pneumophila
Gram negative pleomorphic coccobacilli
Needs cysteine for growth
Carried in rabbits
Francisella tularensis
A. assocation with UTIs
B. Gram stain of pleomorphic GP bacilli
C. Requirement for 5-10% CO2 for growth
D. Requirement of 42 degrees C for growth
Gram positive bacillus
Obligate anaerobe
Clostrdium perfringens
Oxidase and catalase positive
Pleomorphic coccobacilli
Bipolar staining
Normal inhabitants of animal mouths
Endotoxin, cytotoxin, surface adhesins and a capsule
Pasteurella multocida
Gram negative diplococci
Oxidase positive
Moves like hockey puck acrossed agar
Does not ferment or oxidize glucose, maltose or sucrose
Moraxella catarrhalis
A. Consider the growth contamination
B. Perform biochemical tests to test for HACEK organisms
C. Perform identification testing by automation
D. Take extra safe precautions for possible Brucella
A. Helicobacter
B. Aeromonas
C. Campylobacter
D. Plesiomonas