sphere-shaped bacteria
What is 'cocci"
What are the components of a gram negative cell envelope?
What is "outer membrane, thin layer of PDG, inner membrane"
Group of bacteria with unique structure and motility caused by axial filaments (endoflagella) arising at the ends of the cell beneath an outer sheath.
Bonus 100: Name one disease or causative organism in this group
What is "spirochetes"
Treponema pallidum (Syphilus)
Borrelia Burgdorferi (Lyme Dz)
What is a bacteriophage and which one is the "classic" example?
What is "a virus that infects bacterial cells, bacteriophage lambda"
The 2 species of bacteria that contain cell walls with 60% mycolic acid and the type of staining technique used to differentiate them.
Bonus: Name two diseases caused by this agent
What is "Mycobacterium, Nocardia and Acid Fast"
1) Leprosy, Tuberculosis, Nocardosis (rare lung infection)
process by which cells trade genetic information
What is "conjugation"
Name and describe the process by which prokaryotic cells replicate
What is "binary fission, asexual cell division of a cell into two daughter cells"
What is the shape and location of bacterial genome?
circular, nucleoid
What are the names of the two mechanisms by which viruses replicate?
lysogenic and lytic
An antiseptic does what?????
What is "a substance that kills bacteria which can be used on living things"
bacteria that live in harsh environments
What is "archaebacteria"
What are the size of prokaryotic ribosomal subunits and the total Svedburg unit for an assembled ribosome? Where are they located?
What is "two subunits 50S and 30S, for a total of 70S units"
What is "the cytoplasm"
How are viral infections best fought?
What is "with vaccinations, they do not respond to antibiotics"
What is a disinfectant?
What is "a substance that kills bacteria on non-living surfaces"
organism that can make its own food
What is "autotroph"
What is the differential step in an Acid Fast stain
What is "acid alcohol"
___________ is found in gram positive cell walls, linked to the peptidoglycan and cell membrane layers. Composed of an alcohol and a PO4.
What is "techoic acid (lipotechoic acid if attached to membrane "
Describe the basic structure of a virus? Name three structures that a virus can alternately have (in addition)
What is "DNA or RNA surrounded by a protein coat" and spikes, envelope, reverse transcriptase"
1) Smallest known species of bacteria, without cell walls, have sterols in membrane and 2) disease they cause
What is "Mycoplasma, pneumonia"
rod-shaped bacteria
What is "bacilli"
Can be found at the poles of the cell or evenly distributed over the entire surface, have a tendency to stick to one another and to surfaces. Involved in forming biofilms and avoiding immune system.
What are "fimbriae"
a)___________ is a large complex mlcl containing lipids & carbohydrates, consists of 3 components: Lipd A, core polysaccaride, O polysaccaride. Integral membrane protein, but when b) ______________ cells die, the Lipid A portion is released and functions as an c) ___________ that causes fever, vasodilation, hypotension and shock.
Hint: In the other cell type, an analagous structure would be techoic acid.
What is "LPS (lipopolysaccaride), gram negative, endotoxin "
What are the 9 steps of the HIV lifecycle?
What is "attachment, uncoating, reverse transcription, replication, integration, biosynthesis, maturation, release"
Name and describe the 4 arrangements of flagella?
Bonus: What is it called when they are without flagella?
What is "amphi, lopho, peri, mono"
Bonus: atrichous