This person is credited with the Germ Theory of Disease and showing the transmissability of anthrax.
Robert Koch.
An example of a disaccharide
Fructose, lactose, maltose
Name a cellular feature a bacterial cell lacks that a eukaryotic cell has.
nucleus, organelle like mitochondria, ER and other membrane bound organelles
The most common method of symmetrical cell division in bacteria.
binary fission
An infection acquired in a hospital is given this term.
This famous person showed, through statistical measures, the connection between infectious disease and mortality.
Florence Nightingale
An example of the secondary structure of a protein consists of these.
Alpha helices or beta pleated sheets
the bacterial cell wall is made of this polymer.
The phase of growth in which cell division is balanced by cell death
Stationary phase
Pain, nausea, and dizziness are examples of this.
Jenner developed a vaccination for this disease
Triglycerides are made of these two molecules joined together.
glycerol and fatty acids
This structure can inhibit phagocytosis, thereby increasing virulence
Capsule or glycocalyx
A bacterium that uses organic compounds for both energy and carbon source.
Chemoheterotroph (or chemoorganoheterotroph)
Stage of disease in which symptoms begin to appear but are mild or non-specific.
prodromal stage
In the late 1800s, Beijerinck demonstrated evidence for this acellular microbe.
The Virus (tobacco mosaic virus)
The mechanism by which many biological molecules are joined together to make more complex molecules.
Dehydration synthesis (or condensation reaction).
D-amino acids are found in this.
The peptide side bridge of peptidoglycan
Bacteria that grow best above 50C are termed.
Name one adhesion mechanism involved in formation of biofilms.
pili (fimbriae), capsule, LPS
For how many billions of years have prokaryotes existed?
At least 3.5 billion years.
Mechanism by sulfa drugs inhibit bacteria.
Competitive inhibition of an enzyme involved in folic acid synthesis.
What psycrophilic pathogen uses our cytoskelton molecules (actin) to push itself out of one cell and into another?
Listeria monocytogenes
A bacterial population increases from 1000 cells to a million cells. How many times has the population doubled?
9.9 (close to 10)
In the strain name E. coli O157:H7, what does the O stand for?
The variable O-antigen part of the LPS molecule