What is a frequently seen protozan parasite detected in vaginal or urethral discharge?
Trichomonas vaginalis
What is the most common bacterial stain?
Gram stain
What is group A strep caused by?
Sreptococcus pyogenes
What is the most common bacterial species responsible for UTI
E. Coli
A person who harbors an organism has no symptoms or signs of disease but is capable of spreading the organism to others
Roundworms, flukes, hookworms, are common intestinal parasites what are they classified as
Name one gram negative bacteria
E. coli
What type of specimen do you collect for group A strep?
Dacron Swab
What 2 types of media are sued for urine specimens?
Blood Agar
A CDC isolation category designed to prevent transmission of diseases spread by close or direct contact is ______
contact precautions
What is the most common blood parasite in the world?
plasmodium -- malaria
Name one gram positive bacteria
Streptococcus pyogenes
S. aureus
Clue cells are an indication of ____
Do gram-negative or gram-positive grow on MAC plates?
gram neg
Evolving multi-drug resistant strains of mycobacterium has contributed to the re-emergence of the disease_________
List 3 types of tests used to diagnose viruses.
1. viral culture
2. Immunoassays
3. Rapid tests
List the 4 steps to the Gram Stain Procedure
Primary Stain (Crystal violet)
Mordent (iodine)
Counter stain (safranin)
What are the 3 parts of a wet prep for vaginitis?
Saline prep - for Trich
KOH prep - for yeast
Gram stain - for Clue Cells (epis covered with Gardnerella)
What is an indication the urine specimen was NOT a clean catch?
presence of 3 or more different colonies (prob. contam - reject)
List 3 factors that contribute to emergence or re-emergence of infectious diseases.
1. global climate changes
2. natural disasters
3. increase in international travel and trade
4. movement of populations to more crowded living conditions....
What are 3 characteristics of yeasts?
Larger than bacteria
Reproduce by budding
What is the difference between a direct & indirect gram stain
direct from specimen swab
indirect from culture
What are 5 characteristics of group A streptococcus
1. Gram Positive
2. Cocci grow in chains
3. enhanced growth 5% to 10% CO2
4. Blood agar Beta hemolysis
5. Bacitracin sensitive
What is considered a clinically significant colony count on a urine culture?
if clean catch urine, greater than or equal to 50,000/mL significant; if catheter urine, <50,000
3 Characteristics of potential biological threats
1. High mortality
2. ease of person-to-person transmission
3. major public health impact