The four types of macromolecules
What is carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, & nucleic acids
External protective covering, can be a modified piece of the host cell's membrane
What is Bacteria and Archaea
Practice used in lab to prevent contamination
What is Aseptic Technique
Monomer of proteins
What is amino acids
Aqueous fluid that fills the cell
What is Cytoplasm
Three shapes of viruses
What is Icosahedral, Helical, & Complex
What is Viruses and Prions
Gently curved rod-shaped bacteria morphology
What is Vibrio
Two types of carbohydrates
What is simple and complex
Can be a slime or capsule layer
What is Glycocalyx
Classification of viruses
What is DNA virus or RNA virus
Cell type that wraps DNA around histones
Movement of a bacteria in response to chemical signals
What is Chemotaxis
Is primarily made of Carbon & Hydrogen and is hydrophobic
What is Lipids
Used to communicate with other cells
What is Nanotubes/Nanowires
Spikes bind exactly to cell membrane receptors of a host
What is Viral Attachment (Adsorption)
Contains chitin in the cell wall
What is Fungi
Type of flagella that is internal
What is Periplasmic Flagella
DNA base pairs
What is Adenine & Thymine and Cytosine & Guanine
Divides independently and contains bonus DNA
What is Plasmid
What is Reassortment
Single celled eukaryote
What is Protozoa
Two types of flatworms
What is Cestodes & Trematodes