Copies circular DNA
What is Binary Fission
Living single celled organisms that can be found in and on your body
What is Bacteria
Father of the cell
Who is Robert Hooke
A mosquito-born virus that can also be transmitted sexually, from mother to child during pregnancy or birth.
What is Zika Virus?
What is spirillum
Gets energy from Sunlight
What is Autotrophic
Multicellular microorganisms with a prokaryotic cell structure
What is Archea
It causes fever, hemorrhaging and blood clotting in vessels.
What is Ebola Virus?
Bunch of Spheres
Staphylo Coccus
Absorbs nutrients from other organisms
What is Heterotrophic
Unicellular eukaryotic organisms, many of which cause disease among man and animals
What is Protozoa
Father of microbiology who made magnifying glass and animalcules.
Who is Anton Van Leeuwenhoek
Another Hemorrhagic fever virus is rare. African fruits bats are the nature reservoir for the virus.
What is Marburg Virus?
pairs of spheres
What is Diplo Coccus
Bacteria transfer DNA through direct cell to cell contact
What is Conjugation
Simple and typically aquatic plant that includes seaweeds and many single celled forms.
What is Algae
French chemist, Father of microbiology made discoveries in vaccination microbial fermentation and pasteurization.
Who is Louis Pasteur
Staphylococcal bacteria, less susceptible to antibiotic.
What is Methicillin-intermediate SAureus (VISA)?
Chain of rods
Gets energy from breaking down chemical substances
What is Chemosynthetic
Microscopic organisms that can infect humans, plants, or animals.
What is a Virus
Father of immunology
Who is Edward Jenner
Caught the attention of the public in 2003, it killed millions of poultry and 24 people in southeast Asia.
What is Avian Influenza A (H5N1) aka Bird flu?