These self-nourishing bacteria include those using sunlight and chlorophyll
What are Autotropic bacteria
These tubular thread-like structures form the basic unit of a fungus
What are Hyphae
The most severe and well-known rickettsial infection in North America, Rickettsia rickettsi causes this
What is Rocky Mountain Spotted Tick Fever
The scientific study of bacteria
What is Bacteriology
The lowest temperature at which an organism can survive and replicate
What is the minimum growth temperature
Beneficial bacteria that live in or on a healthy human body, protecting it from pathogenic organisms
What is normal flora
While plant walls contain cellulose, fungal walls contain this
What is chitin
Rickettsia prowazekii is associated with crowded conditions, and poor hygiene and is transmitted by these tiny invaders
What is body lice
The scientific study of viruses and viral diseases
What is Virology
These organisms, also known as psychrotolerants, prefer cooler environments, a temperature range of 4 degrees Celsius to 25 degrees Celsius
What are psychrotrophs
Bacteria that cannot survive in the presence of oxygen
What are strict obligate anaerobes?
Often causing disease, this type of fungi extracts nutrients from a living host
What is a parasitic fungus
Rickettsia typhi is most commonly reported in tropical and subtropical regions and is transmitted by these jumpers - maybe they are running away to join the circus
What are fleas
The scientific study of Rickettsia
What is Rickettsology
Mesophiles are categorized as " middle loving" adapt to moderate temperatures. As expected, this core temperature of a living human is a favorite environment.
What is 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit
Bacteria that can grow in the presence OR absence of oxygen. They prefer oxygen but can switch to anaerobic metabolism when it is unavailable. Escherichia coli for example
What are Facultative Anaerobes
As a chemical method of control of the presence of fungus, this type of chemical agent kills it
What is a fungicide
Epidemic typhus, which is transmitted by body lice is a vector carried bacterial infection caused by this bacteria
Rickettsia prowazekii
The scientific study of fungi
What is Mycology
These organisms grow at an optimum temperature of 50 degrees Celsius to a maximum temperature of 80 degrees Celsius
What are thermophiles
A thick covering on the outside of some bacteria that provides an extra layer of defense from phagocytosis
What is a Bacterial Capsule
Dermatomyosis presents in a raised circular pattern of red, itchy bumps; unlike tequilla, there is no worm
What is ringworm
Rickettsia tsutsgamushi causes a necrotic skin rash known as this
What is eschar
The scientific study of microorganisms and their effect on living organisms, aided by the use of a microscope
What is Microbiology
Escherichia coli thrives in the living human body at a normal temperature of 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit. This would be their temperature category
What is a mesophile