Can humans see one microscopic cell?
No, microscopic means it cannot be seen with the naked eye.
True or False: All bacteria are germs that make you sick.
False, many bacteria are good for human health.
True or False? Microorganisms are too small to impact human health.
False, microorganisms can impact human health in positive and negative ways.
Answers the question in the scientific argument
What is bigger? A cell or a molecule.
A cell
What is one type of bad bacteria that Patient 23 was infected by?
C. jejuni or C. difficile
The mouse and human gut microbiomes are made of similar bacteria.
A microscopic living thing
Supports the claim in a scientific argument
Can humans see one billion (1,000,000,000) microscopic cells collected on a petri dish with the naked eye?
Yes, when microscopic things are close together in large quantities, we are able to see them.
What are 2 ways bacteria can help the human gut microbiome?
- Fights against disease
- Helps digest food
- Takes resources from bad bacteria
How many microorganisms are on and in the human body?
About 100 trillion (100,000,000,000,000)
Too small to be seen with the naked eye
Connects the claim and evidence in a scientific argument
Define scale
The comparative sizes of things (e.g. big vs. small)
What happened when all of the space and food in the gut was taken by good bacteria?
The bad bacteria, C. difficile, could not survive.
What are the TWO ways that it is possible for humans to SEE microorganisms?
1. With a microscope
2. If there are lots of them together in one place (like the sand example)
These kill all bacteria - both good and bad
Irrelevant evidence
Do you have microorganisms (including bacteria) on your body? Will you get sick because of them?
Yes, there are lots of microorganisms in and on our bodies. Maybe, many bacteria are healthy for humans, but sometimes they are harmful.
What are the 3 ways healthy bacteria from a fecal transplant can help cure a patient infected with harmful bacteria?
1. They take up space and food in the gut.
2. They produce gut mucus that fights disease.
3. They produce immune cells that fight disease.
What are three visible signs that fermentation is occurring?
Microscopic, single-cell organisms that can be helpful or harmful to humans
To convince someone, using evidence and reasoning