What is a spreadsheet?
A program that displays data (text & numbers) in a table called a worksheet
What is a cell?
The intersection of a row and column
What is a cell range?
A group of cells that are closely together
What are rows?
Horizontal arrangement of cells; identified by numbers
What is a Cell Address (Reference)?
This is a column letter & row number combination, such as A1, B2
Uses of Spreadsheet
Prepare budgets
Financial statements
Inventory management
Create charts
What 3 things can you type into a cell?
Label = words or letters
Value = numbers
Formula – statement that performs a calculation
What are columns?
Vertical arrangements of cells; identified by letters
What is a worksheet tab?
¡A tab that identifies each open worksheet in a spreadsheet program, located in the lower left corner of the screen
What is a name box?
Displays the name of the active cell or range
What is a formula bar?
Displays the data or formula stored in the active cell
What is an active cell?
The cell in which you are currently working (normally the cell is surrounded by a black border)
What is a function?
A built-in formula that is a shortcut for common calculations such as addition and average.
What are Operation Symbols?
Instruct the computer as to what mathematical operations to perform
Operation Symbols
Addition (+)
Subtraction (-)
Multiplication (*)
Division (/)
How do you key a formula?
You combine numbers, cell addresses (references),
Operation symbols and/or functions
Ex: =4 + 5; =B1 * B2
Order of Operations
¡Completes formulas in this order:
What is the Fill Handle Tool?
Used to copy data & formulas to another cell; and create a series
What is Auto Sum Tool?
Automatically creates a formula to add a series of numbers in a spreadsheet
What is a Chart?
Graphic representations used to compare & contrast worksheet data
What is sorting?
Organizing or rearranging data in either ascending or descending order
Sort Ascending
– arranges records from A to Z or smallest to largest
Sort Descending
arranges records from Z to A or largest to smallest
What is tabulation?
Tabulation is the process of arranging data in tabular
form (tables).
What is a Workbook?
A collection of worksheets saved as one file.