Correct mistakes
Functional language

1.Choose the correct alternative

He wants to lose weight, but/ so/ because  he tries to eat more fruit and vegetables. Finally/ Then/ Unfortunately, it doesn’t help also/ because/ and he doesn’t do any exercise.

1. He wants to lose weight, so  he tries to eat more fruit and vegetables. Unfortunately, it doesn’t help because he doesn’t do any exercise.


1. Correct the mistakes

 Anna has studied English from she was a schoolgirl.

1. Anna has studied English since she was a schoolgirl.


1. Cross out 2 incorrect options 


for a walk/in love/ a meal

1.  in love,  a meal


1. Make 1 phrase for giving directions


1. Go straight on


1. Name 3 adverbs of frequency which we use in the Present Simple

2. Name 3 foods that you can not live without.

1. always, often, sometimes, every day/month/year, occasionally, from time to time, rarely, seldom, usually, etc.

2. your ideas


1. Choose the correct modal verb

 You (couldn’t/don’t have to/mustn’t) wear shoes in this area. Shoes aren’t allowed here.

2. Make questions using the prompts


1. You mustn’t wear shoes in this area. Shoes aren’t allowed here.

2. What are you doing/going to do tonight?


1. Correct the mistakes.

I am wanting to go sightseeing. Will you go with me?

2. Correct the mistakes.

Were you study well at school?

1. I want to go sightseeing. Will you go with me?

2. Did you study well at school?


1. Cross out the odd phrase.

can’t stand / absolutely love / hate

2. Choose the right verb to match the words

 … shopping/dancing /skiing

1. absolutely love

2. go


1. Choose ONE correct option

It takes

the main road/about an hour/café on your right

2. Choose a correct alternative

 I suppose that/so.

1. It takes about an hour.

2. I suppose so.


1. Name 3 words we always use in the Past Simple

2. Name 3 items you always take with you on holidays

1. last, ago, in 1999, when I was 6, etc.

2. your ideas


1. Choose the correct modal verb

I think everyone (can’t/ wouldn’t/should) learn another language. It’s useful!

2.Make questions using the prompts 

When/you/last/travel/ abroad?

1. Choose the correct modal verb

I think everyone should learn another language. It’s useful!

2. When did you last travel abroad?


1. Correct the mistakes.

What time did he having his job interview tomorrow?

2. I hardly wake ever up before 7 o’clock in the morning.

1. What time is he having his job interview tomorrow?

2. I hardly evewake up before 7 o'clock in the morning.


1. Cross out 2 incorrect options 


a joke/a chat/a language

2. Complete the sentence with the right word (the 1st letter is given)

 I am an employee and my boss is my e….

3.Choose the right verb to match the words.

… business/housework/a project

1. a chat, a language

2. boss is my employer

3. do


1. Choose ONE correct option 

Where does it


2. Choose a correct alternative

I think you should to learn/learn another language.

3. Make 1 phrase for giving directions


1. Where does it hurt?

2. I think you should learn.

3. Go along the main road.


1. Name 3 words we often use in the Present Continuous

2. Name 3 pieces of advice for a student to learn a foreign language better

1. Now, at the moment, currently, this month

2. your ideas


1.Make questions using the prompts

 Have to you/wear/at work/ uniform?

2. Rewrite the sentence using this word - HAVE

 My friends were eating lunch when I arrived at the cafe.

3. Rewrite the sentence using this word - MUST

You can’t smoke in the office.

1. Do you have to wear uniform at work?

2. My friends were having lunch when I arrived at the cafe.

3. You mustn't smoke in the office.


Correct the mistakes

1. Where have you first met with your wife? – On a train.

2. You always can find me in the office.

1.Where did you first meet your wife?

2. You can always find me in the office.


1. Cross out 2 incorrect options


in love/a life/for a drink

2. Complete the sentence with the right word (the 1st letter is given)

 The s… is doing some research.

3. Fill in the gaps with the right prepositions.

go … an art gallery

deal … problems

get … well with somebody

1. a life, for a drink

2. scientist

3. go to an art gallery

deal with problems

get on well with somebody


1. Choose ONE correct option

It’s nothing to

to sleep/take pills/worry about

2. Choose ONE correct option

You’ll see

going there/a shop on your left/miss it.

3. Make 1 phrase for giving directions


1. It's nothing to worry about.

2. You'll see a shop on your left.

3. Go past the turning.


1. Name 2 grammar ways you can talk about future planned actions

2. Name 3 health problems which people often have

1. to be going to and Present Continuous

2. your ideas


1. Make questions using the prompts

 Who/get/the first prize at the competition yesterday?

2.Rewrite the sentence using this word - PROMISE

 I’m going to help you with your homework.

3. Rewrite the sentence using this word - MIND

 I quite like dealing with clients.

1. Who got the first prize at the competition yesterday?

2. I promise to help you with your homework.

3. I don't mind dealing with clients.


Correct the mistakes.

1. John gives directions to his friends on the phone at the moment. Let’s wait for him.

2. You must stop to work long hours because you seem being tired all the time. 

1. John is giving directions to his friends on the phone at the moment. Let’s wait for him.

2. You must stop working long hours because you seem to be tired all the time. ( 2 mistakes)


1. Complete the sentence with the right word (the 1st letter is given)

The actors gave a brilliant p…  in this theatre!

2. Fill in the gaps with the right prepositions.

work … pressure

work … a company

work … a team

3. Explain the words below.

a customer

to interrupt

a rescue worker

1. performance

2. work under pressure

work for a company

work in a team

3. a customer - a client

to interrupt - to stop a person from speaking for a short period by something you say or do 

a rescue worker - a person whose job is to try to save people from dangerous or difficult situations 


1.Choose ONE correct option

 You can’t

on your right/ miss it/need to go there

2. Make 1 phrase for giving directions


1. You can't miss it.

2. Keep going until you reach it.


1. Name 3 words which we very often use in the Present Perfect

2. Name 3 verbs after which we always use –ing form. 

3. Name 3 things you don't have to do.

1. since, for, ever, never

2. like, dislike, hate, love, don't mind, imagine, enjoy, finish, avoid, stop, spend

3. your ideas
