First Six Weeks
Second Six Weeks
Third Six Weeks
Any change in velocity, either positive or negative is this.
What is acceleration.
I push a box with 100 N of force and friction opposes that force with 40 N. What is the net force (including direction!!) acting on the box?
What is 60 N Right.
This is calculated by multiplying force times distance when the net force and distance moved are in the same direction.
What is work.
This can be calculated with the equation distance divided by time.
What is speed.
A unit that has both magnitude and direction is called a _____ unit.
What is vector.
If I see a number that has "m/s" behind it, I know that this is representing...
What is a speed/velocity.
vertical acceleration in projectile motion is always...
What is 9.8 m/s^2.
This is the type of energy that increases with height.
What is an potential energy.
I hold a 10 kg rock over my head a distance of 5 meters from the ground. What is the Potential Energy of the rock? (INCLUDE CORRECT UNITS!)
What is 490 Joules.
A projectile is launched with an initial vertical velocity of 8 m/s. At the top of the trajectory, what is the vertical velocity?
What is 0 m/s.
Jackie is walking down the hallway when she sees a huge bee up ahead. Because of this, she slows her speed from 10 m/s to 5 m/s in a time of 5 seconds. What is her rate of acceleration?
What is -1 m/s^2.
What is the acceleration of a 45 kg sail boat moving under a net force of 15 N?
What is 0.33 m/s^2.
Charles has a mass of 45 kg and is moving at a rate of 7 m/s. What is his kinetic energy? (INCLUDE CORRECT UNITS!)
What is 1,102.5 Joules
What is the kinetic energy of a 1,000 kg airplane moving at a rate of 300 m/s? (include correct units!)
What is 45,000,000 Joules
How much work is done lifting a 15 kg object a distance of 3 meters in a time of 50 seconds? (include correct units!)
What is 441 Joules
Angel and Javier run a 100 meter race. Angel finishes in 23 seconds and Javier finishes in 25 seconds. What is Javier's average velocity?
What is 4 m/s.
As a projectile travels upwards, what is happening to its horizontal velocity?
What is it's staying the same.
Jackie is walking down the hallway when she sees a huge bee up ahead. Because of this, she slows her speed from 10 m/s to 5 m/s in a time of 5 seconds. What is her rate of acceleration?
What is -1m/s^2
Jayden and Brenda are paddling in a boat that's moving 5 m/s. They all of a sudden realize that they're really hungry and start paddling faster, increasing their velocity to 15 m/s in a time of 3 seconds. What is their rate of acceleration?
What is 3.33 m/s^2
Michael and Eduardo are racing dragster cars. Eduardo's car goes from 0 m/s to 60 m/s in a time of 5 seconds. Michael's car goes from 0 m/s to 60 m/s in a time of 7 seconds. What is the acceleration of each car?
What is Eduardo's = 12 m/s^2 // Michael's = 8.57 m/s^2
A car with an initial velocity of 2.3 m/s accelerates at a rate of 4.1 m/s^2. What is the displacement of the car after 10 seconds?
What is 228 m.
A stuntman runs horizontally off of a 50 meter high cliff into water below. How fast was the stuntman moving if he lands 90 meters away from the base of the cliff?
What is 28.2 m/s
What is my power if I lift a 550 N weight 3 meters in a time of 10 seconds? (INCLUDE CORRECT UNITS!)
What is 165 Watts
A turtle is crossing the road at an initial velocity of 0.5 m/s. He sees a car coming and starts to scurry as fast as he possibly can. He covers a distance of 1.5 meters and reaches a final velocity of 1.2 m/s. What is his rate of acceleration?
What is 0.40 m/s^2
A student was so fed up with school that he threw his laptop out of a window 8 m above the ground. It was fortunately caught by another student 10 m away. What was the initial horizontal velocity of the laptop?
What is 7.81 m/s.