How many books are in the Bible?
What did God create on the 1st day of creation?
Time: day and night
What is the covenant between God and Noah?
a promise from God to never again destroy the earth with a flood
How old was Abraham when his journey began in Genesis?
75 yrs. old
Who were the Patriarchs of the OT?
Abraham, Issac, and Jacob
How many sections does the Bible have? What are they?
2: Old Testament, New Testament
What did God create on the 5th day of creation?
Rulers of space: created fish and birds
How long did the rains last for?
40 days and 40 nights
What is the external sign of God’s covenant with Abraham?
What is Jacob’s new name and what does it mean?
Israel: “He who strives with God”
How many books are in the OT and how many are in the NT?
OT: 46 and NT: 27
The Creation of humans is in the image of who?
Why did God send the flood?
as a punishment for the widespread wickedness and corruption of humanity on Earth
What did God ask Abraham to sacrifice?
His son, Isaac.
Who does Jacob end up marrying?
Leah, then Rachel.
What are the 4 types of books in the OT?
Books of Law, Historical Books, Wisdom Books, and Prophetic Books
What blessing did man receive from God?
be fruitful and multiply
What did Noah send from the ark to see if flood waters receded?
A raven, then a dove.
How did Abraham show his faith in God?
Abraham shows his faith in God through obeying, trusting and sacrificing.
How long does Jacob work for his uncle to marry Rachel?
14 years
What books are in the Pentateuch?
Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy
What is original sin?
Adam and Eve's act of disobedience in the Garden of Eden, ate the forbidden fruit.
What did Noah take with him on the Ark?
seven pairs (male and female) of the clean animals and one pair each of the unclean animals
What are the three promises God made to Abraham & who are they ultimately fulfilled by?
Land and a Nation, fulfilled by Moses
Kingship and a Name, fulfilled by King David
Blessing for all Nations, fulfilled by Jesus
What was Jacob’s dream?
Dreamt there was a ladder on earth that reached heaven