Current Insurance
Driver Page
Handle it
Where to start

When probing current insurance status, Larry states he is insured on his company's fleet policy, where he drives a semi-truck. Toot Toot.  Can I give him credit for Current Insurance?

Note: He doesn't have any other vehicles registered in his name.

Nope - His insurance status will be not needed due to the type of vehicle he is driving.


Mrs. Martinez tells you she is married but her husband is living in another state because of his job. What do I key for Marital Status?



When customers HAVE a violation ON their MVR, but they state they're going to fight it in court, can you remove the violation for all states?

no - False


Walter was discharged from the military (Navy E-5) 6 months ago for medical disability and is not currently working. What do I key for his Occupation?

Navy E-5


Your customer tells you she wants to insure a vehicle that she is the primary driver of but it's owned by her mother who has her own insurance on her own cars. 

Can we insure this car in the customer's name? 

How will you enter the drivers for this quote?

Yes- we can insure the car in the customer's name. 

Customer will be listed as Name Insured. List the mother on the policy. We will accept a verbal statement from the customer that the parent has Other Insurance (and list her as such on the policy).


Mr. Prothro's vehicle was totaled out in an auto accident one week ago, he does not currently own a vehicle, canceled his insurance, and he will be purchasing a new vehicle sometime this week. What would be his Current Insurance Status?

Not Needed


When probing Marital Status, Ralph states he and his wife are separated but she still resides in the house with him. What is his Marital Status?



Charity resides in Washington state and refuses to give you her spouse's information  as she says he will have nothing to do with her quote as well as her education and occupation. We are at an impasse.
Do I:
1 - Group Reject
2 - Incomplete Application
3 - Change to Single and move on

Call back if you change your mind - 1. Incomplete Application


Jamie works for the school district as a Nurse. Does working for the city/state/County provide her a government discount?

No - False


Your customer tells you he has a lawn care business. He states several employees will drive his truck because of the type of business he owns. He wants to insure his work truck and a car used for pleasure. What is the accurate handling for this customer?

Quote the car for a personal policy and Transfer to Commercial for the Truck


Officer Barret is listed on a Company auto policy driving a Camaro that is a police car. Can we give credit for Current Insurance?



When probing education, Barry states he has a high school degree. When probing occupation, you learn he has a property and casualty license. What is the correct level of education completed based on his response?

High School


During the greeting, Mr. Hargrove states he resides in Arizona and is looking for an auto policy for three months, because he will be moving to Africa soon, and is selling his car. How do I handle this Application?

Start the application, Gather up to the Address info, And Group Reject


When probing Government Affiliation, Kendra states her husband is CONTRACTED with the Federal Government as a Bus Driver. Do I give credit for Government affiliation?

No for Govt Affiliation - Key as a Bus Driver


Henry is getting a quote on a car he primarily drives and is located at his home, but is owned by his brother. How do I proceed?

Quote him with the car owned by the brother and add the brother to the quote as an Active driver until you receive proof of insurance


When probing insurance status, Miss Tyler states she was removed from her father's policy three months ago when her previous vehicle was totaled in an accident. She purchased a New Car last week and needs to get insurance on it. The title and registration have been transferred to her name already. What is her Insurance Status?

Insurance ran out


When asking his date first licensed, Mr. Zang answers that he was first licensed in China when he was 17. He is 35 and just moved to Texas. What do I key for Age First Licensed?

35 or "Today's Date" 


After completing the Search page, you learn you are talking to Mrs. Tutle, who is a current GEICO insured. She is calling to get a quote for her daughter as she is considering having her daughter get her own policy. The daughter is an active driver on the GEICO policy, is 17 years old, and they reside in New York. How do I proceed?

Can't offer a quote for Daughter, 17, and Group Reject


Billy has a bachelor's degree and has been an unemployed Retail Manager for the past thirteen months and Volunteers as Cook for the local Church. What is his Occupation?

Not Currently Employed


Charlie has just purchased a vehicle and currently only has a learner’s permit. He is working on getting his license in 2 weeks. Can I offer insurance if they only have a Learners Permit? What do I do? 

Nope - Group Reject the application


Mr. Parks has a vehicle registered in his name, Its currently insured on his parent's policy, but he is not listed on the policy nor is he listed on any auto policy now. What is his Current Insurance Status?

Not Needed 


Mr. Pho tells you his spouse resides in another country and has a license there will be joining him in the U.S. in six months. What Do I select for Marital Status? If added what is their Driver status?

Married - Spouse added as "Not Licensed to Drive"


On the Driver page, when asking the spouse's information Mrs. Ball states her husband's Learners Permit is expired, and he does not have a foreign/international license. She states he will not drive any car due to his condition. How do I handle this?

Expired Permits - Not Licensed to Drive. Keep it moving.


When probing education and occupation, Gary responds he is a full-time student and works at Starbucks. Do we have enough information to list an Occupation?

No- We need to Probe 'Is he working Full Time?' 


Ms. Parks works at the Washington DC Courier Service and uses her vehicle for deliveries and courier service. Is this:  
1 - Business use on a personal policy
2 - Group Reject and Commercial
3 - Incomplete Application and Commercial

Group Reject and Commercial
