Please explain bandage care to me "Mrs. Hardman" - a very needy high-maintenance client.
Keep bandage clean, & dry. Check the tissues below & above the bandage for swelling. Keep the animal from chewing on the bandage. If it should get wet, dirty, or chewed on please call us, and make an appointment to have it changed.
Which vein do we NEVER use to injcet medication?
Jugular Vein
What is the normal for feline respirations?
24rpm - 42rpm
(High Maintenance client) Mrs. Hardman calls, FREAKING OUT cause her precious Fluffy Wuffy ate 3 of her pills. She is pretty sure 1 pill is for high-blood pressure, 1 pill is for her ADHD, and 1 pill is for her headaches. What will you tell her?
Call Pet Poison!
What is included in a Feline Distemper Combo Vaccine?