What invention by Gutenberg spread Reformation ideas?
Printing Press
What does 'Mesopotamia' mean?
Land between two rivers
What was the first county to start exploration?
•Who wrote The Prince?
Niccolo Machiavelli
•Who painted Mona Lisa?
Leonardo da Vinci
•What did John Calvin believe in regarding salvation?
What two rivers are in Mesopotamia?
Tigris and Euphrates
Who was the first European to reach India by sea?
Vasco da Gama
Who were the three famous Greek philosophers?
Socrates, Plato, Aristotle
•What famous chapel did Michelangelo paint?
•Sistine Chapel
•What was the Catholic Church selling that angered Martin Luther?
•What was the purpose of ziggurats?
Religious temples
What was the exchange of goods, diseases, and ideas called
Columbian Exchange
Who wrote The Iliad and The Odyssey?
•What is the name of da Vinci’s painting of Jesus and his disciples?
The Last Supper
•What powerful banking family helped Florence rise?
•Medici Family
•What early law code was created by Hammurabi?
•Code of Hammurabi
•What was the Middle Passage?
•Journey of enslaved Africans to the Americas
•Which Greek philosopher taught Alexander the Great?
What was the purpose of pyramids in Egypt?
Tombs for pharaohs
•Who wrote the 95 Theses?
Martin Luther
•Where is the Nile River, and why did people live near it?
•Egypt; fertile land
•What was the three-part trade system called?
Triangle Trade
•What did Socrates encourage his students to do?
•Question everything,Socratic Method
•What was Florence known for during the Renaissance?
A center of art, culture, and banking