It's on the large lighted "Welcome" sign on the south end of the Las Vegas Strip
What is: Fabulous
His first job was scooping ice cream at a Baskin-Robbins in Hawaii
Who is: Barack Obama
Mr. Darcy plays the Bennets' dating game and picks Bachelorette #2, Elizabeth; other sisters get a consolation guy.
What is: Pride & Prejudice
He began eating Jellybeans as a part of his attempt to quit pipe smoking; it worked.
Who is: Ronald Reagan
Georgiana dies, Magwitch dies, Miss Havisham dies; Pip Pip Hooray?
What is: Great Expectations
The first G.I. Bill, which gave military men and women access to a college education was signed into law by this President.
Who is: Franklin Roosevelt
Resistant to cold weather, this type of rose known for its white blooms shares its name with a type of lettuce
Alex says he'll take milk and classical music for 192 pages; the response is this daily droog-le
What is: A Clockwork Orange
A 1980s restoration in this building involved surfaces cleans with wine in the 1710s that were touched up with tempera paint
What is: the Sistine Chapel