Directions such as North, South, East, and West is called...
Cardinal Directions
1.Revealing the maps purpose or content is called the..
2. A set of instructions to be used when reading a map is the..
3.The ratio of a distance on a map to the same distance on the ground is the..
1.Map title
2.Map key
3.Map scale
what is a surplus
a surplus is a extreme amount of something
what continent is mesopotamia located on
what continent is Egypt located on
africa and asia
Directions such as Northwest, Northeast, Southeast and Southwest is called...
Intermediate Directions
This tool is used to tell which direction you are heading, it is circular, this tool is a...
Compass Rose
what is a nomad
a nomad is a wanderer
name some sumerian inventions
sailboat, wheel, plow, math, astronomy, writing, time, calendar
Slaves/unskilled workers were on the bottom ( most amount of people least amount of power), artisans craftsmen, jewelry makers and other jobs in that range were above the slaves and unskilled workers ( common jobs held small power) Then scribes, it was rare to be a scribe( only a few people held more power then lower levels) the the pharaoh( only one held the most power out of all levels) this was called the..
Social Pyramid
The most famous line of longitude is called the...
The most famous line of latitude is called the...
Prime Meridian
1.a decade is..yrs
2.a century is...yrs
3.a millennium is....yrs
describe how new stone age people got food
they used technology, Ex: axes , adzes, sickles, blades
who was responsible for the first written code?
what were the laws and punishments?
geography, religion, achievements, politics , economics,society
why did the people of ancient Egypt study the stars
it helped tell when a flood would happen and built pyramids to find northern directions.
Imaginary lines that run east to west measuring a locations distance north to south. They are called...
Lines of latitude
1.if you come across 2 times in the same time period you should ... the two numbers, if you come across to 2.times NOT in the same time period you should...the two.
describe another name for the old stone age
paleolithic age
what does the word polytheistic mean
you believe in one god.
explain the role religion played in ancient Egyptian life
religion was very important to them, they were polytheistic , pharaohs were gods on earth.
Imaginary lines that run south to north measuring a locations distance east to west.They are called...
Lines of longitude
how many continents are there?
name them?
Europe, north America, South America, asia, Africa, australia, Antarctica
what is systematic agriculture? describe how this great revolution changed their lives
allowing people to transition from nomadic hunter gather life style to settled communities with a more reliable food supply
what was the area between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers called? why was it called this?
Mesopotamia, it means land between the rivers.
define theocracy.
what power did pharaohs possess and why were they so powerful and respected by all
theocracy is a government where the same person is both political and religious leaders of Egypt and were well honored and respected and had total power.