The problem or struggle between opposing forces in a story.
What is conflict?
Your short response answers should include this many details from the text.
What is 2!
"The withering willow was watered," is an example of this poetry term where the beginning consonant sounds of the words are repeated in a phrase or sentence
What is alliteration?
You should always use RACECE to answer short response questions. The letters in RACECE stand for these 4 words.
What are Restate, Answer, Cite Evidence, Explain.
What is the difference between a simile and a metaphor?
What is a simile uses like or as. A metaphor does not. BOTH compare things.
When you cite evidence from the text and say word for word what the text says, the sentence needs to have what around it?
"What are quotation marks."
Why do authors use figurative language in their writing?
What is to make us hooked and to let us paint a picture in our heads better.
Punctuation at the end of quotation marks...
What is always goes inside?
She said, "Please stop!"
What a story is mostly about in 1 sentence. The main point they are trying to make.
What is main idea?
Name the 4 different ways a non-fiction book can be organized...
What is....
Problem and Solution
Compare and Contrast
Sequence/ Chronological order
Cause and Effect
What is an adverb.
Give an example of one as well!
What is a word that describes a verb or action!
She walked QUICKLY.
He will race TOMORROW.