12 x 8
what is 96
50 divided by 5
what is 10
2,549 rounded to nearest ten
what is 2,550
simplify 4/8
the place value to the right of the tens place is the ___ place
what is the ones place
123 x 5
what is 615
24 divided by 6
what is 4
102 rounded to nearest hundred
what is 100
5/10 as a decimal
what is .5
True or false
.1 = 1/10
What is true
205 x 13
what is 2,665
96 divided by 3
what is 32
12,999 rounded to nearest hundred
what is 13,000
.6 as a fraction
what is 6/10
4 sides, 4 right angles is a ____
square or rectangle
976 x 14
what is 13,664
124 divided by 4
what is 31
24,698 rounded to the nearest ten thousand
what is 20,000
true or false
.6 > .61
What is false
3 equal sides, 3 acute angles
what is an equilateral triangle
198 x 32
what is 6,336
500 divided by 100
What is 5
29,999 rounded to the nearest hundred
what is 30,000
True or false
.7 = .70
what is true
5 sides, 5 angles
what is a pentagon