Mesopotamia was located in the....
Fertile Crescent
What type of cloth was made in India?
Cotton Cloth
Which continent is China located in?
What was the name of the ruler who ruled Egypt?
China and India was separated by what natural border?
The Himalayan Mountains
Did Mesopotamia have a centralized or decentralized government?
What religion did people practice in India?
What religion did people in China mostly practice?
Did people in Egypt worship multiple gods?
What were the teaching of Confucius called?
Laws were carved on a what?
A stele
India built cities on a what?
grid or urban planning
China is on what side of the world?
Eastern side of the world
Who was the pharaoh who expanded trade beyond local borders?
What was the temple in each city-state in Mesopotamia called?
The Ziggurat
Who made the first written laws?
Who ruled China?
The emperor
Where did ancient Egyptians bury their people?
In pyramids
Name a river in ancient India and China
ex: The Yellow river and the Indus river
True or false: Hammurabi was a king.
India built the first what? Double Jeopardy!!!
Sewer system
What was the punishment for telling other people how to make silk?
Where did the papyrus reed plant grow?
Along the Nile river.
Five times jeopardy!!!!! How many years did king Tut rule?
9 years.