Risk factors
Protective factors
Theorists Application

What are some signs of ageing

- skin begins to be wrinkly and saggy because loss of fat

- hair becomes more brittle and hard


How does staying socially connected promote resilience in individuals

- Prevents progression of mental illnesses like depression, dementia, and anxiety 


Theory that lifespan development is lifelong, multidimensional, multidirectional, plastic, contextual, and multidisciplinary 

What is Lifespan development?


A middle-aged employee learns a new technology by watching a younger colleague, what example is this?

What is Observational learning?


Maintaining this balance is essential for reducing stress and enhancing resilience in middle adulthood.

What is Worklife Balance?


What type of illnesses become prevalent over the age of 45?

Type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and osteoporosis


How does Strength training promote resilience in individuals?

- helps maintain muscle mass and bone density, preventing injuries and falls

- exercise releases endorphins which reduce stress and improve sleep quality


Behavioural theory about how behaviour is learnt by observing and imitating others

What is Social Learning Theory


How can a supportive work environment in the microsystem influence a parent’s ability to manage work-life balance? 

It can reduce stress and increase satisfaction, allowing better work-life balance. 


List some ways adults can become resilient and risk takers during middle adulthood

- they can pursue career advancements

- take up a new hobby

- volunteer and take up leadership positions


What is menopause?

Process when production of oestrogen begins to decline. Ovulation and periods cease


How does Cardiovascular exercise promote resilience in individuals

- strengths your heart and lungs, allowing individuals to cope with the physical demands with everyday life

- prevents progression of cardiovascular diseases during middle adulthood


Theory about how several environmental systems influence human development 

What is Bronfenner's ecological systems model


John and Lisa are both parents of two teenagers. John and Lisa are both actively involved in their children's life, by supporting their extracurricular activities,  education, and teaching them to be better humans.

John and Lisa's actions reflect generativity

How would John and Lisa's actions reflect stagnation?

- If they showed little to no interest in both of their children's academics and extracurricular activities


This type of network (friends and family), is crucial for building resilience in middle adulthood.

What is support system?


What is andropause?

Process where a gradual decline in levels of testosterone occurs. Side effects include lack of motivation, low energy, and muscle loss


What are some government policies that are protective factors that promote resilience?

Healthcare system

- allows middle aged Canadians check on their health

Flexible working arrangements

- reduces stress and burnout 


Theory about how people develop their belief in their ability to achieve goals. These are developed by four different factors: experience, vicarious experience, social persuasion, and physiological feedback

What is the Self-efficacy theory?


Lisa has two children. She wants to be a positive role model and foster good behavior and values in her kids. Lisa looks up to her friend, Emma, who is known for her excellent parenting skills.

Using Bandura's social learning theory, how does Lisa observe and learn from Emma

She pays attention to how Emma interacts with her kids. Lisa remembers it and imitates Kate's behaviour on her own children


How might resilience apply to middle aged adults in personal relationships?

Middle Aged Adults need to learn how to transition to deal with their parents becoming old, and children becoming adults.


Something many individuals struggle with during Middle Adulthood. This becomes a time of transition during Middle Adulthood

What is Midlife Crisis?


Regular cardiovascular exercise reduces risk of what diseases prevalent in middle adulthood?

Heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and high blood pressure


Stage in Middle Adulthood where individuals can help others and guide the next generation or be self-centred and stagnated

What is Generativity vs Stagnation?


Maria starts volunteering as a financial advisor for a nonprofit and mentors younger colleagues by sharing her knowledge. 

Maria's colleague, John, avoids new activities and community involvement. He spends his free time watching TV and reminiscing about the past. 

How do Maria and John's action reflect Generativity vs Stagnation?

Maria's actions reflect generativity. She is being productive with her time and guiding the next generation. She feels fulfilled helping colleagues furthering their career

John's action reflects Stagnation. He is lazy and disconnected from society with no contribution to society  


How might opportunities like being a mentor to younger children promote resilience in middle adulthood?

- can allow you to feel fulfilled and stay connected to society while avoiding generativity and stagnation.

