What is excommunication?
Excommunication is a church-related act of cutting off or excluding a person from participation in the sacraments and services of the Church. It is typically imposed as a penalty for serious offenses against the church or its teachings. Kicked out of the Catholic Church, no members can speak to you or do business with you.
What religion was practiced during the Middle Ages in Europe?
What is the feudal system?
What is a coat of arms?
A coat of arms tells a story – your story. It is a unique and personal emblem that can be passed down to future generations. Using colours and symbols significant to you, it celebrates your family, your values and your achievements.
When did the black death hit Europe?
What is a vassal?
another name for a servant in feudalism
How important was religion during the Middle Ages? Explain
Explain the social structure during the feudal system from top to bottom
King, Lord, Knight, Peasant
How was the Coat of Arms used in the Middle Ages?
Coats of Arms grew into an elaborate collection of colors, animals, and shapes painted on shields so that knights could be distinguished in a battle or tournament. Coat of arms can be found dating back to early Medieval Europe, used primarily to establish identity in battle
How many people died in Europe from the Black death?
Approximately one-third of the population of Europe died of the deadly disease
What is a feif?
piece of land loaned to a vassal in feudalism
What was a manor and list three common characteristics to a manor?
Can be the King’s house or the Lord’s home. All the land controlled/owned by the King
What is the feudal contract?
The agreement between nobles/vassals and king, which required them to swear an oath of allegiance, to maintain their part of the bargain (protection, land, loyalty, etc.)
Why was Edward the Confessor's death impactful?
Left no heir to the throne
How was the disease spread?
•People infected due to rats.
•Rats carried fleas with bacteria
•These fleas would bite people and spread disease
When did the Middle Ages start, end and why?
The Medieval Era happened in Europe between 476 (Fall of Rome) -1400 (Start of Renaissance)
Why was William King of England important to the Middle Ages?
He introduced the feudal system
What are the three F's to the feudal system?
Fief (land)
Faith (religion)
Fealty (loyalty)
What year Edward the confessor die and who were the three candidates to the throne?
1066. Harold Godwinson, William Duke of Normandy, Hardold Hadrada (King of Norway
What is one similarity and one difference between covid-19 and the black death ?
Similarities: country of origin, fever and chills, causes social paranoia and panic, asymptomatic at first
Differences: bacterial vs. viral for covid, coughing vs bleeding, age of most impact, spread by droplets vs flea bites, nobody understood it vs understand how to treat it, 66% vs. 0.3 % death
Provide three characteristics for life during the middle Ages?
Explain the life of a peasant, knight, lord or king
Answers vary
Who is a knight a vassal to and what is their relationship?
A Knight is a vassal to a lord. A knight prepares/leads army for the lord in exchange for land to live on (fief)
Who was the King of England after Edward the Confessor
Harold Godwinson
Name three effects of the black death ?
The old manorial system began to crumble.