This magnificent church, built by Justinian, is considered a masterpiece of Byzantine architecture.
Hagia Sophia
The person at the top of the feudal system, in theory owning all the land.
This holy city was the primary objective of the Crusades
This devastating plague swept through Europe in the 14th century, killing millions.
The Black Plague
The Black Death is believed to have originated in this region of the world
Central Asia
This codified body of Roman law, compiled under Justinian, had a lasting impact on legal systems.
Justinian's Code
This social class made up the majority of the population in feudal Europe and worked the land.
The clearest positive effect of the Crusades
Cultural Diffusion
These large, fortified buildings served as the homes of lords and knights during the Middle Ages.
This animal, and its fleas, are considered the primary vector for the spread of the Black Death.
This major city served as the capital of the Byzantine Empire and a crucial trading hub
Each person, except for the king, can be said to be a _______ of another group
This pope called for the First Crusade in 1095
Pope Urban II
This economic system, characterized by self-sufficient estates and limited trade, dominated the Early Middle Ages.
The Black Death is primarily caused by this type of bacteria.
Yersinia Pestis
This powerful Byzantine emperor sought to reconquer lost territories of the Western Roman Empire.
This was the code of conduct for knights, emphasizing honor, loyalty, and bravery.
This Muslim leader recaptured Jerusalem from the Crusaders in 1187
These skilled craftspeople formed associations to regulate trade and maintain standards of quality
This theory of medicine was based around becoming ill through exposure to bad smells
Miasma Theory
This event in 1054 CE divided Christianity into the Eastern Orthodox and Roman Catholic Churches.
The Great Schism
In the feudal system, a lord granted this to a vassal in exchange for military service
This crusade, intended to recapture Jerusalem, resulted in the sacking of Constantinople.
The Fourth Crusade
These religious communities provided education, healthcare, and preserved knowledge during the Middle Ages.
Beyond the huge death toll, what where some long term effects on European society caused by the Black death?
The end of Feudalism