Who was the emperor of the Byzantine Empire who created a code of laws and had the Hagia Sophia built?
invaded from the north and loved monasteries
land given in the feudal system
At what age could a nobleman become a knight?
what was the number one cause of death among women in the Middle Ages?
Charlemagne had these trusted men keep an eye on his counts to make sure his empire was being run the way he wanted
royal agents
After the fall of Rome the invasion of the Germanic tribes led to a loss of common language, decline in learning, decline in trade and ?
moving from the cities to rural areas
all manors were _____________ meaning everything you needed could be made on the manor
the code of conduct knights were supposed to live by
in the Ordeal if your hand healed correctly you were
not guilty
The first Frankish king to convert to Christianity and make the other Franks convert as well
The invasions of the Vikings and Muslims, for example led to a new political and economic system called ?
name of the person who accepted the land in the feudal system
name of an assistant knight that began at the age of 14
the first Holy Roman Emperor
Which grandson is missing? Lothair, Charles the Bald, and ?
Louis the German
Which Viking made it to North America?
Leif Erickson
Who had the most power in the feudal system?
how many days out the year on average did a knight spend in actual combat
nicknamed "the hammer" and was a hero in the Battle of Tours
Charles Martel
What is the last name of the dynasty started by Pepin the Short?
invaders from the east who were excellent horsemen and took captives as slaves
the name of the "donation" you had to give to the church that was 10% of your income..spelling counts!
These two items, borrowed from the Muslims allowed knights to ride on horseback and be able to hold a sword at the same time
saddle and stirrups
part of the Justinian code that is a textbook for law students in the Byzantine Empire
The Institutiones