Black Death
Hundred Year War
Babylonian Captivity and Great Schism
Other Black Death
Other Hundred Years war, Babylonian Captivity, and Great Schism

How was the Black Death (Bubonic Plague) Spread?

What is Fleas on Rats.


What Strategy did the English used that led to many of their Victories?

What is Longbow men, Artillery, and Cavalry


How did the Great Schism Start?

What is two popes being recognized by different parts of Europe

Pope Urban IV Italian (England, HRE, and Germans)
Pope Clement VII French (France, Scottish, and Spain)


What was the believed cause of the Black Death?

What is poisons in the air and/or bad balance of bodily fluids


Who was Joan of Arc?

What is a Teenage girl who heard voices (Didn't take her meds) of Saints and helped lead the French army to Victory.


Where did the Black Death originate?

What is Mongol Empire


Who allied themselves with the French?

What is the Scottish


What were Confraternities?

What is groups of Lay People practicing religion outside of the church due to not being able to rely on the Church.

Also know mysticism


What was the Main crises that preluded the Black Death?

What is the Little Ice Age

(Led to other Crises)


What was the after-effects of the Babylonian Captivity?

What is decrease in papal prestige

What are the Symptoms of the Black Death?

What is Buboes, Black splotches or under-skin bleeding, and coughing blood.


What caused the Hundred Years War?

What is Claim to the French Throne and Invasion of Aquitaine ?

French Throne Claims: King Edward III of England and Charles IV


What feud led to the Babylonian Captivity?

What is Feud between Pope Boniface VIII and Philip IV of France


Who was blamed for the Black Death and what were they blamed for?

What is Jews and Lepers poisoning the wells.


What was the Battle where the English were outnumbered by French but still won?

What is the Battle of Agincourt


Why did the Black Death result increase in religious faith? (Give an Example)

What is people believed that the Black Death was a punishment from God for their sins. 

What is Flagellants whipping themselves.


What was the turning point of the War?

What is the Siege of Orleans.

Soldiers inspired and led by Joan of Arc


Who was one of the Critics of the Church?
What were the all the criticisms or reforms of the Catholic Church?

What is (William of Occam. Marsigilio of Padua, John Wycliffe and his Lollards, or Jan Hus and his Hussian Church)

What is Church and State should be seperate (State should be more powerful and Clergy members and church isn't needed, only the bible is needed.


What was Giovanni Boccaccio's The Decameron about?

What is People abandoning family and neighbors in fear of the Black Death?

What happened at the Council of Pisa?

What is Cardinals from France and Rome met and appointed a third pope


Why was the Black Death allowed to Spread?

What is People didn't know how the Plague Spread and Due to Unsanitary conditions from earlier Crises?


Why did the English Parliament develop?

What is the King's increased reliance on the Parliament.

Made it a regular assembly because the king needed a funds for the war from the Parliament.


How was the Great Schism Ended?

What is the Council of Constance or Conciliar Movement(1414-1418)?

Appointing a 4th Pope and making the other three quit


Nam two economic Benefits did the Black Death have?

What is less labor meant higher demand for labor and higher living standards and end of Feudalism, and "New Men" in guilds.


Why did the English own Aquitaine?

What is Eleanor of Aquitaine married King Henry (or English King) making it English Territory and Henry III of England and Louis IX of France signed the Treaty of Paris (1259) making it English territory.
