What were two powers that the church had in Medieval Europe?
Providing food, shelter, collecting tithes
What part of Europe was the Middle Ages located?
Western Europe
What country today is were Byzantine was back then?
Modern-day Turkey
Who was at the very top of Pyramid of Feudalism, who was the ruler who claimed ownership of the lands?
Who was Justianian's wife?
What were two major events were held at the church?
Marriages, Funerals, Being Baptized
Who moved the Roman Empire to Byzantium?
What was Constantinople?
The capital of the Byzantine Empire and was originally the new capital of the Roman Empire
The King often granted the land to Important _______ who pledged their loyalty by swearing to serve and protect the king.
What was the Justinian Code?
The Justinian code is served as a foundation for legal systems in many countries
How did the catholic Church manipulate the citizens to giving them money?
Threatening them with excommunication, removing land or threat of going to hell.
What's 2 reasons why Constantinople was located in such a great spot?
It was a great place for trade, Nice distance from the Germanic invasion, Good place to protect Europe's Eastern frontier.
How was the Byzantine Empire able to expand their power and land?
Through a great military, excellent geographic location which helped protect from invaders and a great location for trade.
A local Servant who worked on Feudal lands or manors and was "bound to the soil".
Which legal system was the Justinian Code heavily influenced by?
The Roman Empire's laws
Why was the catholic church so powerful?
The made tithes the law, controlled the land and economic aspects of Medieval Europe
What are 3 countries that were apart of the Middles Ages?
Possible answers: France, Germany, Denmark, Sweden, Spain
Which areas of the world did the Byzantine Empire reach?
North Africa, Italy and parts of Spain
There was no political structure in Western Europe, after the fall of Rome. People were living in poverty and needed some structure and order.
How did the power of the Catholic Church impact the whole society? ( provide 2 ways)
answers may vary
What does the term "power vacuum mean"?
When someone in a place of power, has lost control of and no one has replaced them.
List 3 ways that Constantine used the cross as a symbol of power
It was on coins, his soldiers shields and armor and flags.
The code of conduct that a knight was expected to live by during the Middle Ages.
What was 3 out of the 4 components of the Justinian code?
The institutes, The Novellae, the digest, and the law code.