What was the main reason that Feudalism was created?
It was created because the Roman Empire collapsed, so when Germanic tribes were invading, the people had no one to defend them.
Who was King of the Franks?
Charles I/Charlemagne
Who fought in the Battle of Tours?
Christians vs Muslims
What are the three groups of Germanic Invaders that we talked about?
Angles and Saxons, Magyars, and Vikings
What is another name for the middle ages?
The dark ages
What are the three groups in the feudalism social pyramid? What order do they go in?
Lords, Vassals, Serfs
Who created Common Law? (laws that applied to everyone)
Henry II, King of England
Who was fighting in the Crusades? What were they fighting over?
Christians and Muslims, Jerusalem
Which group migrated from Scandinavia?
Who would appoint emperors?
The Pope
Land given to a vassal from a lord is called a -
Who was one of the most important figures to come out of the Hundred Years War? (Young, French, visions from God)
Joan of Arc
What was the name of the war between the Spanish and the Muslims?
The Reconquista
Which group migrated to England in the 400s and 500s, and helped develop the country of England?
The Angles and Saxons
In 799, the Pope asked Charles for help dealing with a Roman gang. Charles exiles them, and the Pope rewards him by making him ---
The Emperor of Rome
What was the Manor? How was it self-sufficient?
This is the lord's estate that contains one or more villages and the land around it. It was self-sufficient because everything they needed was inside of the manor.
Which king is the reason we have the Magna Carta? What is the main purpose of the Magna Carta?
King John, to limit the power of the king
What is the lasting affect of the Crusades?
Bitterness between the Christians, Muslims, and Jews
Where did the Magyars move from?
Central Asia into Hungary
Monks created Illuminated Texts. What were these?
Copies of books that they added drawings/paintings to
What was feudalism?
A deal made between land owning lords and the people that said the people would work for the lord if they were promised protection in return.
Who were the two Spanish monarchs?
Ferdinand and Isabella
What was the main cause for the Hundred Years War?
The French king died without an heir, the English king tried to claim the throne.
All three groups converted to -
What was the main cause of the Bubonic Plague? What was the biggest effect?