Teasing is a bullying behavior.
What is a bully like behavior?
Be: Accountable, Respectful, Kind
What does BARK stand for?
Use the hand gestures when in the cafeteria
What should you do when you want some ketchup or other item in the cafeteria?
There is no bullying at recess
Is bullying allowed at recess?
One growth mindset trait I should always have
When should I give effort?
Name Calling over and over
What is an example of verbal bullying?
This is done to answer a question or make a comment in the classroom
When does a student raise their hand?
Use a quiet voice since there are so many people in here
What volume of voice do we use in the cafeteria?
We do this when playing a game
What does it mean to take turns?
A positive __________ helps me have an open mind
What type of attitude helps to have an open mind when learning?
I am frustrated, so I pushed him/her
What is an example of physical bullying?
One of many classroom expectations..
Pay Attention
This is a form of respect in the cafeteria
Why do we have manners in the cafeteria?
If someone looks like they are alone...
When do we invite others in to play with us?
Trying to do my class work once or twice is not enough; I need to try over and over
How many time should we try to do our class work if we make a mistake?
A bystander watches or hears something happens and will often not report to an adult
What does a bystander do?
When the teacher gives an assignment and time in class..
What does it mean to "do your work" in class?
Please do this at all times and more when you are the lunch captain
When do we help clean up in the cafeteria?
I should do this if I see someone sitting on the buddy bench
When should I be a buddy?
Redoing of these helps me to learn
Can a mistake help you learn?
She told the teacher that he did not wear his coat outside.
Is it ok to tell or ignore this behavior?
Calling out the answers or making a comment in a loud voice when it is not my turn
What is a shout-out?
This mean to respect the rules
What is it called when you obey the lunch room teachers and workers?
This means to be equal when I am playing
What does it mean to play fair?
Learning is a process and growth
Does learning occur with one lesson and one worksheet?