random facts NA

Describe the religion of the Middle east

The main religion of the middle east is Islam. People who believe in Islam are called Muslims. Unlike the US, the middle east's government and religion go hand in hand creating Sharia law. Their Jesus is Prophet Muhammad.  


describe the location of North Africa

- north of the indian ocean, east of europe, south of central asia and southwest asia, west of south asia. technically part of asia, but more culturally part of middle east.

describe the sudan south sudan conflict

 arab muslims dominated the country in the north, alienating the african christians and other groups in the south and west. a peace agreement was signed in 2005 with full independence from sudan in 2011. regional conflict in sudan and south sudan still continue its a hard place to be. 


name an example of history in AP

petra, jordan is an example of history because Petra's treasury is a facade carved into the rocks of jordan from 1st century BCE through the 2nd century CE. the metropolis also contains tombs and a theater. it is an example of history because it happened long ago.


describe an example of movement in AP

an example of movement in AP is migration. war and famine are push factors in countries with negative net migration. AKA ppl are leaving those countries. Pull factors are job opportunities and strong economies for countries with positive net migration. AKA places ppl are leaving to go to.


describe the main language of north africa

the main language of north africa is Arabic. An arab member lives mostly in Western Asia and north africa, and speaks arabic. Arabic is the official language of north african countries. Mali, Niger, and chad used to be french colonies, so their main language is french


describe north africa's plateau region 

it's a coastal plateau, slowly slopes toward the coast. it's a region because of the common characteristic of rockiness. unique bc coastal slopes toward red sea. major pateau.  


describe the nomad groups in NA

berber are the earliest indigenous ppl of NA, non arabic nomads, Bedouin ppl are nomadic Pastoralists who historically live in NA, AP, and ME so, all of middle east. pastoralists are ppl who herd animals, think pasture. in sahara desert. no permanent home.


describe the government of AP

the Aps government is very diverse. many of the countries in AP have different governments. some example are dictator, parliament, constitutional, monarchy, etc. A Sheikh is an arab leader in particular the chief of head of an arab tribe, family, or village. could be like a dad or grandpa for family. 

describe an example of HEI in AP

petra jordan rock chiseling bc ppl are interacting with the environment to make the vault facade thing.


describe a social group in north africa

A social group in north africa are the Dogon people.  The Dogon are an ethnic group located in Mali. adobe like houses. Live along the Cliffs of Bandiagara. they were their own civilization. Lived in a desert region. 


describe mecca, saudi arabia north africa

considered the holiest city in all of islam. the birthplace of islamic prophet muhammad. non-muslims are strictly prohibited from entering the city. economy is dependent on pilgrimages to the city. largest country in arabian peninsula.


describe desertification issue

desertification is fertile soil turning into deserts more desert=less water=stress. no water, no food. overusing soil and cutting down trees. climate change ex. droughts, etc. unstable government adds to it all. 83.6% of countries in north africa are vulnerable to desertification. 


describe the economy of AP

APs economy is based off petroleum, much like all of the other countries and regions in the middle east. petroleum can be oil or gas and is the world's most expensive and in demand natural resource. which makes the middle east a very wealthy region.


describe an example of history in north africa

an example of history in north africa is Tunisia. Tunisia is home to the world's second largest amphitheater called El Jem. Tunisia is also home to the dougga ruins which contain a theater, bathhouses and public buildings. 


describe how the nile river embankment is an example of HEi

the nile river embankment is an example of HEI bc it brings electricity for the ppl in egypt.


describe the libya manmade river

libyas manmade river is an underground pipeline that accesses deep aquifers under the Sahara Desert to bring freshwater to the libyan population. provides water for 70% of the libyan population. Great resource but very expensive.

give an example of daily life in AP

an example of daily life in AP are the human rights abuses in saudi arabia. Citizens in saudi arabia aren't allowed to speak their own opinions or say they don't like the government like speaking against the law. guilty until proven innocent. very different than US. If you speak out or don't agree you get severely punished with death penalty or many years in jail. 


describe an example of government

An example of government in north africa is sharia law. sharia law is Islam's legal system derived from the Quran ( Islam's holy book), as well as the Sunnah and Hadith - the deeds and saying of the Prophet Muhammad.


describe an example of movement in north africa

war and famine are push factors of people moving out of countries and migration for countries with negative net migration. job opportunities and strong economies are pull factors for migration for countries with a positive net migration.


describe the suez canal egypt

allows ships more direct route between the northern indian ocean, red sea, mediterranean sea, to northern atlantic. similar to the panama canal, the government has widened the canal in recent years. TRAde. egypt has more control over it which makes the egyptian economy more powerful. WHY cairo is largest trade port in NA.


give an example of art in AP

an example of art in AP is Qatar's unique infrastructure. Qatar's building are new and they are still adding more. they are able to do this due to their petroleum based economy. unlike the US the middle east just builds buildings because they watn to. they don't question why they would need to or how it would help them. This leads to many tourists to see the amazing art.
