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Which of the following are reasons for continuing conflict in the Middle East? A. Land B. Religion C. Land and Religion D. There is no conflict in the Midde East
What is C
What is anti-semitism? A. hatred of Jews because they practice the Jewish faith B. hatred of Christians C. belief that Jews deserved to return to their homeland Zion D. all of the above
What is A
When did the invasion of Afghanistan end? A. within three months after it began B. March 2003 C. the U.S. still has troops in Afghanistan D. October 2001
What is C
What year did the Persian Gulf War end? A. 1978 B. 1991 C. 2001 D. 2003
What is B
Why did so many countries in the United Nations feel it was right to create Israel in 1948? A. there was no one else living in the land at the time B. many felt the Jews deserved help due to their suffering in the Holocaust C. Arab countries in the area supported the creation of the homeland for Jews and Palestinians D. All national groups in the formal Ottoman Empire were being given homelands at the same time
What is B
How did European partitioning in the Middle East after the fall of the Ottoman Empire impact the Middle East? A. It made everyone happy B. It caused further conflict in the Middle East C. It helped the relationship between Sunni and Shia Muslims D. It made Middle Eastern countries richer
What is B
Why would the U.S. be interested in the future of Iraq? A. in the hope of establishing more political stability in the Middle East? B. in the hope of decreasing terroism C. in the hope of securing a steady supply of inexpensive oil D. all of the above
What is D
The reason that Afghanistan was invaded was... A. to secure a reliable and inexpensive supply of oil B. to capture or kill Saddam Hussein C. as a reaction to the terrorist attacks of September 11th, 2001 D. to keep Iraq from invading first
What is C
The war that resulted in the removal of Saddam Hussein as leader of Iraq was... A. The Persian Gulf War B. The invasion of Afghanistan C. The war in Iraq D. The Civil War
What is C
When war broke out in Palestine, what countries joined with the Palestinian Arabs to try to stop the creation of the new state of Israel? A. the United States B. neighboring Arab countries C. the major nations of Europe D. the countries belonging to the United Nations
What is B
What is meant by "European partitioning"? A. European settlers settled Europe B. European countries taking part in trading oil C. European settlers conquering the Middle East D. European countries deciding political boundaries in the Middle East
What is D
When did the war in Iraq begin? A. September 11th, 2001 B. March 2003 C. 1978 D. After the invasion of Afghanistan was over
What is B
Afghanistan was invaded... A. about a month after the attacks on September 11th, 2001 B. in an effort to destroy Al-Qaeda C. in an effort to capture Osama bin-Laden D. all of the above
What is D
The first of the three modern Middle East wars was... A. Operation Iraqi Freedom B. The war in Iraq C. the invasion of Afghanistan D. The Persian Gulf War
What is D
What world organization created the new state of Israel in 1948 as a homeland for the Jews? A. OPEC B. the League of Nations C. The European Union D. The United Nations
What is D
What religious connection to Jews have to Israel? A. It is where they believe God spoke to Muhammad B. It is where Jesus lived and died C. It is the birthplace of Judaism D. It is not connected to the Jews
What is C
What events compelled the U.S. (and others) to invade Iraq? A. Belief that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction B. the terrorist attacks of September 11th, 2001 C. Iraq invaded Kuwait D. Iraq's support of Al-Qaeda
What is A
What caused the Persian Gulf War? A. Iraq invaded Saudi Arabia B. Kuwait invaded Iraq C. Iraq invaded Kuwait D. Saudi Arabia invaded Kuwait
What is C
What caused the end of the Ottoman Empire? A. their leaders could not agree, causing a civil war B. Ottomans constantly fought over the capital city, Istanbul C. They fought on the losing side of WWI D. The Germans turned on them and invaded their land in WWI
What is C
Before 1948, Israel was called... A. Syria B. Egypt C. Lebanon D. Palestine
What is D
When and why was the PLO formed? A. in 1999 to help with the invasion of Iraq B. in 1967 to fight with Israelis against Egypt C. in 633 A.D. to support the spread of Islam D. in 1964 to oppose Israel and create a Palestinian state
What is D
What does PLO stand for? A. plenty left over B. please leave our country C. Political Liberal Opportunity D. Palestinian Liberation Organization
What is D
What is Zionism? A. the idea that all religious groups should have their own states B. the plan to let Arabs and Jews share the Palestinian land equally C. the hope that all governments will be based on religious principles D. the belief that Jews deserved to return to their homeland in Zion where they had lived in Biblical times
What is D
Which describes the Holocaust? A. the murder of millions of European Jews during WWII B. the destruction of all European governments during WWII C. the bombing of towns and villages in England and Germany during WWII D. the Russian policy of burning ground behind them as they retreated to stop German invasion
What is A
How did Arabs living in Palestine in 1948 feel about the establishment of Israel? A. they fully supported it B. they rejected it as unfair to them C. the Arab population in Palestine was largely unaffected by the new state D. They agreed to try to work it out although they were unhappy about the decision
What is B