Periodic Table
Newton's Laws &
Force and Motion
Forces that Change the Earth
Which two subatomic particles are found in the nucleus of an atom?
What is the proton and neutron.
Elements in the modern periodic table are arranged in order of increasing-
What is atomic number.
In a chemical reaction, the substances that react with one another to form new substances are known as....
What is reactants.
A toy train engine rests motionless on a track. One student begins pushing the engine to the right with a force of 2 newtons. At the same time, another student begins pushing the engine to the left with a force of 5 newtons. Which of the following best describes the resulting motion of the engine?
What is the toy train travels left at a constant speed.
Which two continents did Alfred Wegener think looked like they fitted together like puzzle pieces?
What is South America and Africa
Which two subatomic particles make up the mass of an atom?
What is the proton and neutron.
Which element on the periodic table has 18 protons, 18 electrons, and 22 neutrons?
What is the element Argon.
One molecule of vinegar is composed of two atoms of carbon and oxygen, and four atoms of hydrogen. Which of the following best represents the correct formula? a) 2C2H4)2 b) 2CH20
What is 2CH2O
Forces work in pairs and act on objects to make them move. Think about a boy riding his scooter. To start moving, the boy pushes his foot on the ground. The Earth responds with an equal but opposite force on his foot. The result of the pair of forces is that the boy and his scooter move. Describe the pair of forces.
What is "The boy's push with his foot is the action force, and the pressure from the Earth is the reaction force."
Scientists believe that the ____ is responsible for the movement of the plates that form the Earth's crust. Name the mechanism and the name of the area at which this process occurs.
What are convection currents in the Asthenosphere.
How many electrons does a neutral atom of carbon have?
What is 6 electrons.
Which group in the Periodic Table is made from non-reactive elements?
What is group 18 "Noble Gases".
Which of the following support the law of conservation of mass? F. Fe + O2 --> Fe2O3 G. 4Fe + 3O2 --> 2Fe2O3
What is G. 4Fe + 3O2 --> 2Fe2O3
If the object is NOT moving, where is the acceleration coming from to cause the force to increase as the mass increases?
What is gravity.
When pressure is released during an earthquake, the type of energy displayed would be-
What is Kinetic Energy.
Which subatomic particle of an atom determines an atoms reactivity?
What are valence electrons.
Which best describes two atoms of the same element that have different numbers of neutrons?
What is an isotope
What type of chemical reaction releases heat into the surrounding environment?
What is an exothermic reaction.
When a car suddenly stops, the objects in the back seat are thrown forward. This is due to which law of motion?
What is the law of inertia.
Which two landforms would MOST likely be found at a divergent boundary?
What is a mid-ocean ridge and rift valley.
When determining an element's identity, what is the MOST important subatomic part to examine?
What is the proton.
What is the mathematical equation you must do in order to find out how many valence electrons are in groups 13-18 of the periodic table?
What is 10 minus the group number!!!
A student placed 2 grams of baking soda in a balloon and 100 mL of vinegar in an Erlenmeyer flask. After stretching the opening of the balloon across the neck of the flask, the student raised it to dump the baking soda into the flask. He immediately observed foaming bubbles in the flask and the balloon began to expand. The student concluded that _______________________ .
What is the bubbles indicated a chemical reaction had occurred.
Martin gathered a toy car, a ramp, a stopwatch, a meter stick, and a variety of weights. What is he likely testing?
What is how mass affects the speed of the car.
At a transform boundary, earthquakes are produced from two plates sliding past each other. The pressure that builds up from these plates is an example of.......
What is potential energy.