What is the long word for Explos?
What does DMA stand for?
Digital media arts
What was one of the examples of after school sports?
Volleyball, Soccer, Basketball, Track, Cross Country, Wrestling
Who is allowed to join clubs?
How many blocks are in a day excluding lunch and recess?
How often do you switch explos?
Every 2 months
Name 1 group who plays at school events/concerts.
Band, Choir.
Are you allowed to create your own club?
Yes as long as you have a teacher to supervise the club.
What is recess called in middle school?
Nutrition Break
Name any 3 Explorations
Woodworking, Home economics, Outdoor Education, DMA, Music, Art.
How many nights do you normally spend at camp?
How many clubs can you join?
As many as you want, as long as the meetings don't overlap
Hillcrest school teams are named after different kinds of _______
What did Lauren sew in Home economics?
A dolphin
What is the name of the club that takes you up to one of the local mountains?
Ski/Snowboard Club
How many examples of clubs did we give?
What colour is the staff team?
What was Clara turned into with the lights in the first picture?
An angel.
Name 1 occasion for the school to host a concert
Christmas, Remembrance Day, end of year.
Name 2 instruments that we gave as examples for band.
Flute, Saxophone, Clarinet, Trombone, Bass guitar, Drums.