How do you know when tryouts are?
Morning announcements.
What grades do you need to get for honor roll?
A's and B's
Where do you test?
How long can you be at your locker for?
2 mintues.
How long do you have to bring your grade back up when you are on sport probation?
2 weeks.
Where are the sign up sheets?
In the cafeteria.
What grade do you need to get for high honor roll?
Straight A's.
TRUE OR FALSE: you can get out of testing mode on your computer
Name 3 things you should put in your locker.
Backpack, pencil case, book, binders, e.c.t
Where are the loner computers located?
What two sports can you not play at the same time?
Soccer and cross country
Where will the posters for honor roll and high honor roll be?
Near the cafeteria.
What two subjects will you be tested on?
Math and ELA.
What should you do if your lock is broken?
Tell your homeroom teacher.
How long is each class?
45 minutes or less.
When are practices and tryouts?
After school.
Where will you be invited if you get student of the month?
A board of ed meeting.
half an hour or two hours.
When will your locker be assigned to you?
The first day of school.
What grade or lower do you need to be on sport probation?
A D or lower.
What do you write on the signup sheet when trying out for a sport?
Name, grade and homeroom.
If you get student of the month, where will your picture be hung up?
Near the entrance of the building.
When will you usually test?
In the morning, and after lunch.
When do you get your lock?
Right before the school year starts.
Name 3 tests you do in gym.