What grades typically make up middle school?
Grade 6-8
What should you do if you're feeling overwhelmed in middle school?
Tell an trusted adult (teacher, counselor, etc), friends
In elementary school you stored your belongings in your desk, in middle school you store your belongings in the ...
The people who know what you are going through because they are going through a similar experience as you.
Your classmates, friends and other students in the school
True or False: We have different teacher for different subject
What should you do if you witness bullying or got bullied in middle school?
Tell a trusted adult
What grade will you see on your report card?
A-F grade
The librarian
True or False: All students need to change their clothes in PE.
What important skill do you need in middle school to manage your time and assignments?
Organization skill
What activity is not exist in middle school?
If you are struggling with a subject, who do you reach out to?
In order to do well on your tests you should..
Study and complete all homework and classwork
What are three coping strategies you can use to stay calm?
deep breath, going for a walk, movie, music, talking to someone
What are some special activities in middle school?
Clubs, Sports, Electives
This person will help you with a smooth transition and will support you socially, emotionally, and academically with career exploration.
School Counselor