Blue Red Blue Red Blue Red is an example
The artist who painted The Last Supper
Leonardo da Vinci
liquid color
red, yellow, blue
primary colors
Comparing something and making it in a similar size or scale to other objects in the art work
these can be found on a "wheel"
This artist painted Starry Night - known for his expressive brushstrokes and complementary colors
Vincent Van Gogh
Coil, slab and pottery wheel
cube, sphere, cone
Asymmetrical, symmetrical, and radial
The way things feel to the touch
This artist drew with scissors to make abstract shapes and forms
Henri Matisse
Bright colors formed into a stick, blends by smearing, imitates a type of thick paint, stains clothes if wiped on them
oil pastel
The art of creating images or designs with an assemblage of small pieces of colored glass, stone, or other materials
You are drawn to this in an artwork because it sticks out due to size, color, etc
The lightness and darkness of a color as you add black and white
This artist formed the Cubist movement and let his emotions encourage the color he used in his artwork for many years (Hint: he had a blue period and a rose period)
Pablo Picasso
Art form that uses rollers (brayers) and ink on printing plates to create multiple prints
A single vanishing point
1-point perspective
When all elements in an artwork combine and create a pleasing appearance
Geometric and organic
This Mexican painter is known for her many self-portraits, showcasing a women's inner strength, her love of Mexico and its culture, and for courage in the face of adversity
Frida Kahlo
Material used to do black and white pictures with, as well as cooking meat
Andy Warhol is the most famous artist from this movement with his images of everyday objects like Cambell's soup cans and celebrities from popular culture
pop art