TRUE OR FALSE: Mental health is just as important as physical health in a person's overall well being.
TRUE OR FALSE: all stress is bad stress
Name one way you cope with stress/anxiety/depression?
Trying something is better than not trying at all. No wrong answer but always room for improvement.
Who is your grade level counselor?
Mrs. Storbakken
What is Ms Allison's favorite color?
Your friend is struggling with mental health and you don't think you have to tell an adult. What are two ways you can help them?
Listen, solutions, have fun together, ask how you can help
TRUE OR FALSE: When stress is not addressed, it can have harmful impacts on physical well being.
What are 2 unhealthy coping skills?
Eating or sleeping too much or too little, not exercising, isolating, substance use
Who can students talk to if they are having a hard time?
School- teacher, principal, counselor, EA, Collaborative Worker
Home- Parent/Guardian, Aunts/Uncles/Grandparents
Community- Therapist, Police, Doctor, Nurse
What is one rule in Ms. Allisons office?
have fun, be honest and be willing to try new things
Everyone feels nervous or worried sometimes. What are the 2 ways to deal with anxiety on the spot?
Deep breathing, 54321, 5 Sensory Truths, etc
TRUE OR FALSE: Prolonged high stress can lead to high blood pressure and heart disease
Your friend does not seem to be coping well with their mental health - what sign shows you that you need to tell an adult?
Wanting to harm themselves or others, big personality changes, not eating for a long time on purpose, gut feeling, substance use
Can you call 911 if you are having a mental health emergency?
What you say in here stays in here, unless...
someone is hurting you, you want to hurt yourself or someone else
What is stigma?
A set of negative and unfair beliefs that society/peers believes about something
When someone experiences something stressful, the body responds in one of these 3 ways. List all 3. *hint all 3 start with the same letter*
Fight, flight, freeze
Why does deep breathing calm people down?
It relaxes the body.
How can you help a friend who you think is struggling with their mental health?
Tell the counselor, collaborative worker, teacher, nurse or friends parent/guardian if that is safe.
What is the purpose of visits with Ms. Allison?
work on coping skills, emotion regulation, improve attendance, decrease behavior referrals, safe place to talk about life and stress, get referrals for mental health or community based services, get help with clothing-food-toiletries-school supplies
How can we help end mental health stigma?
Share our stories, listen to stories, seek support, encourage others to talk about their mental health
How can stress be helpful?
It can keep us safe and motivated
Can you show us (without laughing) what deep breathing looks like?
4x4, square breathing
Where can students go in the school to get items that can improve their self-esteem (hygiene products), self-confidence (having what they need for class), health (food)?
The pantry! Open on Friday during 6th hour!
How many pets does Ms. Allison have?
2 dogs!