What time does LPMS start?
7:23am (bright and early!!)
How many teams are there per grade?
List at least four of the sports offered at LPMS.
Football, Softball, Basketball and Track
How many classes total do you take?
6 at a time (but you pick 8 to cover the whole year. Two electives with your core classes and then the next two with your cores).
Who will be your school counselor next year?
Mr. Bank
What colors are the teams per grade?
Red, Blue, Gold, Silver?
List at least two after school activities or clubs.
Student Council, Forensics (Speech Team), Kiwanis, Girls on the Run
True or False - you could take study hall both semesters.
What are LPMS school colors?
Maroon and Navy Blue
What are your main core classes?
World Studies, Math, Science and Language Arts
True or False - you have to do extracurricular activities.
False. Of course you don't HAVE to, but it could be fun!
What foreign language can you take?
What is the mascot for LPMS?
What are at least two examples of the PE classes you might take?
Dance, Regular PE or Yoga
Name at least two people who you can talk to if you have questions about clubs or sports?
Teachers, Counselors, Main Office
How many exploratory classes do you take?
What does PRIDE stand for?
Persistance, Respect, Initiative, Dependability, Empathy
What are the categories of Exploratory classes (electives)?
PE, Performing Arts, Computer Science/Industrial Arts, Other (Art, Spanish, Study Hall)
True or False - You have to meet grade and conduct eligibility to play each week.
True or False - Everyone has a locker.
True - bonus point if you give one strategy of a way to remember your combination!