Look up your grade in ELA on Skyward, write it down, and hand it to Miss Amy
Whoever is fastest wins the point!
Name one of your five senses
sound, touch, taste, smell, sight
What is the name of your school email
What is the name of your sixth period class
Study Skills
Name a red zone feeling
anger, frustration, scared, out of control
What type of writing is a personal story
Name one item you use to help meet your sensory needs in class
a fidget, a weighted blanket, a wiggle stool
What two websites can you find your grades on
Canvas and Skyward
Why are you in a study skills class
To help learn emotional regulation skills, to build good school habits
Identify one feeling you feel right now
excited, happy, frustrated, nervous, anxious, competitive
What do you call the last paragraph of an essay
Name or demonstrate a breathing exercise you can use to calm down
five finger breathing, triangle or square breathing, deep breath in
If you think your work was graded incorrectly, what can you do to get it fixed?
Email your teacher, talk to your teacher, ask to re-do it
Name one activity you regularly do in your 6th period class
check in questions, CNN10, complete your schedules
Draw a face to describe how you feel in each class of the day
You should have six faces
correct this sentence: "the students at north middle school wish they could have Recess"
"The students at North Middle School wish they could have recess."
Write down three items that you can see right now
Whoever writes it fastest wins the point
How many semesters and quarters are in the school year?
two semesters, four quarters
What is one item in your 6th period class you wish you had in all your classrooms?
Write your answer down
what are the four zones
blue, green, yellow, red
What is the name of your favorite book? Write it down
First to finish writing wins!
Name an accommodation you have to support your sensory needs
sensory tools, early release, small group testing
If you do not want to handwrite an assignment, what could you do instead
Type it or use voice-to-text
If you were in charge of 6th period for a day, what lesson would you teach your classmates?
Write your answer down!
Write down what zone you are most often in at school and why
Red, blue, yellow, or green