What enrichment class does Mrs. Floyd teach?
What do the Advisory class names represent?
What high schools will our 8th graders be attending next year?
Galt and Liberty Ranch
Which middle school teacher is a gamer?
What are Mrs. Gregorio's daughter's names?
Dylan, Cruz, Avery
Name the five Bootcamp squads.
Alpha Bravo Charlie Delta Echo
Which Advisory has the newest teacher to Arcohe?
Banded Falcons/Black
Name a set of siblings on the East Campus.
Jack and Wyatt Rowe
Amara and Lexi Lopez
Dylan and Cruz Gregorio
Abigail and Lucas Patterson
Devin and Caden Vang
Ximena and Jazmine Suarez Guardado
Evan and Aydin Joseph
Ella Garcia and Eliana Gaines
What sporting event did Ms. Kyes, Mr. Molina, and Mrs. Porter team up for?
Basketball Tournament
Name 3 Sports we offer at Arcohe.
Volleyball, Track, Cross Country, Basketball, Cheer, Softball
Give 4 actual Advisory House names.
Millennium, Merlin, Peregrine, Prairie, Gray, Banded, Orange, Bat
Which Advisory is not a bird?
Millennium Falcons
What holiday did some of our 8th grade boys celebrate with a feast?
What is Mrs. Fuglsang's favorite beverage?
Diet Pepsi
Where did Mrs. Brewer work before Arcohe?
Which teachers teach the second biggest enrichment class?
Mrs. Messersmith and Mr. Molina
Which teacher will be the leader of the Peregrine Falcons next year?
Mrs. McCune
How many incoming 6th graders do we have next year?
What are the names of Mrs. Komarov's children?
Ella and Ace
What is our school mascot's name?
Freddy Falcon
How many community volunteers help in sewing?
Who played Santa at the winter rally?
Hunter Hileman
Who has the fastest middle school mile time?
Colton Lake
Which teacher has taught every grade level at Arcohe except Kindergarten?
Mrs. Salfen
How many years has Mrs. Selby been teaching at Arcohe?