Who is the Governor of Wisconsin
Who is Tony Evers
What state was Barack Obama senator of before he became president?
What is Illinois
How many original colonies were there ?
What is 13
What gaming console was released by Sony in 1994
What is Play Station
What food is known for having seeds on the outside?
What is a strawberry
What is the nickname for Wisconsin
What is the Badger State
Who is the first black woman to serve as a Supreme Court Justice?
Who is Ketanji Brown
What are the first ten amendments to the Constitution called?
What is the Bill of Rights
What color is Pacman?
What is yellow
What vegetable is known to make people cry when they cut it?
What is an onion
Name the largest outdoor music festival that takes place in Milwaukee
What is Summerfest
Who is the youngest boxer to win a world heavyweight championship?
Who is Mike Tyson
What is the largest State by mass in the US
What is Alaska
What was the name of the first video game created?
What is Pong
Pancetta comes from the meat of which animal?
What is a pig
Who was the first mayor of Milwaukee?
Solomon Juneau
Shani Davis was the first African American to win a Gold medal in which sport?
Speed skating
What is the tallest mountain in the United States?
What is Mount Mckinley (Denali)
What was the first home Video game system released in 1972?
Magnavox Odyssey
What is the main ingredient in guacamole?
What is avocado
Name five schools in MPS that are named after African Americans
What is Marvin Pratt, Gwen T. Jackson, Carson Academy, Dr. King, Lloyd Barbee, , Andrew Douglas, Starms, Grant Gordon, George Washington Carver, Metcalfe, Bethune, Obama
Who was the first African American billionaire?
Robert Johnson (BET)
What do you call a person who eats fish but not meat?
What is a Pescatarian