Electrician, Plumber, HVAC, Truck Driver, and EMS are all examples of this type of career.
The name of a science major at college.
Biology, Chemistry, Nursing, Health Science, Physics, Environmental Science, Animal Science, Zoology, etc.
Money that you borrow for college and have to pay back.
Loans, student loans, college loans
What is one club or sport offered at your school?
Examples: Baseball/Softball, Basketball, Dance, Chorus, Theater, etc.
The winning super bowl team from 2025.
Philadelphia Eagles
The name of a healthcare employer in Vermont.
Porter Medical Center, UVM, etc
The name of the place that college students sleep and live.
Dorm or residence hall.
The place that you set up a checking/savings account.
Bank or Credit Union.
What are the most common core classes all high school students will have to take?
Most Common = English Language Arts, Humanities/Social Studies, Science, Math, etc.
The most popular dog breed in Vermont.
Golden Retriever and Beagle (2nd)
Bachelor's Degree.
The name of a Vermont College.
UVM, VTSU, CCV, Norwich, Champlain, St. Michael's, Middlebury, Landmark, Bennington.
Outside of tuition and dorm/food costs, you will have to pay for these items while in college.
Books, lab fees, supplies, transportation, dining out, personal items (shampoo, soap) and more.
One way to earn college credit while in high school.
Advanced Placement (AP) class, Dual Enrollment or Early College.
The name of a varsity sport offered at the University of Vermont (UVM)?
Rugby, Wrestling, Football, Soccer, Basketball, Track & Field, Baseball/Softball, Dance, Lacrosse, Field Hockey, Hockey, Cross Country, etc.
The name of the main document you submit when applying to a job.
STEM stands for what?
This is the name of free money you can receive to help pay for college that is based on your family size and income.
The name of the person in high school to help you with credits, scheduling classes, college, mental health and more.
School Counselor or Guidance Counselor.
The name of a Vermont college mascot.
Catamount, Spartan, Badger, Hornet, Maple Leaf, Knights, Cadet, or Beaver.
In high school, there is a place in Hyde Park where you can go during the school day to learn about things like: how to fix a car, cut down a tree, milk a cow, frame a house, cook, design a website, fix a tractor, or start your education towards becoming a nurse. What is the name of this place?
Green Mountain Technology and Career Center (GMTCC)
The name of free money a college gives you that is based on MERIT (grades, community service, etc.).
The number of years of English/Language Arts you need to take in high school.
Mount Mansfield.
Name one of the most high demand jobs in Vermont.
Carpentry, Waitstaff, Nurses, Teachers
True or False. Anyone who completes high school can attend college.
Example: The community college in Vermont allows any student to enroll who has a high school diploma.
True or False. Your family needs to have money saved in order for you to go to college.
FALSE! Colleges do not require that your family can pay for you to go to college. That is why loans, scholarships, and grants exist!
What is the name of the program at your school that is run by VSAC (Vermont Student Assistance Corporation) that helps students to plan for life after high school?
(It's the program you're in right now!)
The Talent Search Program!
What is the name of the Olympic athlete from Richford, VT? OR....What sport do they participate in?
Elle St. Pierre - track & field