Prose and Poetry
Informational Literature
Applied Science
Social Science

A complete thought that communicates the author's message. Example: the conflict between humanity and technology

What is theme (universal themes)?


The use of pictures, captions, subheadings, footnotes, etc. to convey purpose in a text. 

What is text structure?


the distinct forms in which matter can exist (solid, liquid, gas, and plasma). 

What are the states of matter?


Those sources that are closest to the origin of the information.

What is a primary source?


𝐴 = 𝑙𝑀, where 𝑙 is the length and 𝑀 is the width 

𝐴 = π‘β„Ž, where 𝑏 is the base and β„Ž is the height  

What is the formula for the area of a rectangle?


A POV that uses an untrustworthy "voice" which lacks credibility. Example: the storyteller in Edgar Allen Poe's The Tell-Tale Heart.  

What is an unreliable narrator?


The way an author arranges words in a passage to achieve a purpose. Example: parallel sentences, short or long sentences. 

What is syntax?


Thermal engineering that relates to the creation, use, conversion, and exchange of heat between physical systems. 

What is heat transfer?


Examples are urbanization, specialized labor, advanced technology, government and religious institutions, and social classes.

What are the characteristics of a civilization?


These rules tell us the sequence in which we should solve an expression with multiple operations. Think PEMDAS: Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication, and Division (from left to right), Addition and Subtraction (from left to right).

What is the order of operations?


a poem of fourteen lines using any of a number of formal rhyme schemes, in English typically having ten syllables per line. Example: Shakespeare's Sonnet 18

What is a sonnet (poetic form)?


An author's belief of what is right or wrong that uses persuasive language. 

What is argumentative writing?


a mix of gases, mostly nitrogen and oxygen along with less abundant gases like water vapor, ozone, carbon dioxide, and argonβ€”is also essential to life in the biosphere

What is atmoshphere?


This amendment includes protections for freedom of speech and freedom of the press. 

What is the First Amendment?


Terms that have identical variable parts (same variable(s) and same exponent(s)). When simplifying using addition and subtraction, you combine β€œlike terms” by keeping the "like term" and adding or subtracting the numerical coefficients. Examples: 3x + 4x = 7x.

What is combining like terms?


Words or phrases that have a deeper meaning. This helps reveal the author's purpose, perspective, and central idea/ theme and contributes to the tone. 

What is figurative language (similies, metaphors, sensory language, allusion)?


The rhetorical use of facts, statistics and scientific data to prove a point. 

What is the rhetorical appeal logos?


This is a true or false question. 

Individual particles in liquids and gases have no fixed positions and move chaotically.



information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view.

What is propaganda?


𝑉 = 𝑠 3 , where 𝑠 is the side length

What is the formula for the volume of a cube?


Diction (word choice) which evokes an emotional response and makes a text more engaging to the reader. 

What are rhetorical devices (irony, rhetorical questioning, ethos, pathos, logos)?


Morphology is the understanding of word parts and word origins. In middle school, we focus on _ _ _ _ and Latin word roots and affixes. 

What is Greek?


This is a true or false question. 

scientific law is a well-supported explanation of observations. A theory is a statement that summarizes the relationship between variables


A theory is a well-supported explanation of observations. A scientific law is a statement that summarizes the relationship between variables


This governmental branch is made up of the House and Senate, known collectively as Congress. This branch makes all laws, declares war, regulates interstate and foreign commerce, and controls taxing and spending policies.

What is the legislative branch of government?


These show the five-number summary of a set of data: including the minimum score, first (lower) quartile, median, third (upper) quartile, and maximum score.

What is a box plot?
