NCC Facts
Staff and Groups
Wild Card
What is the name of the room where you eat breakfast and lunch? What other classes sometimes take place in that room?
Cafeteria. Art, music...
What is the principal's name? What is his job?
The principals name is Mr. Alzamora. His job is to supervise the students and teachers.
Name three things you ALWAYS need to bring to class?
Agenda, pencil, notebook, folder, homework...
List three ways to explain Be here, Be Ready.
Be on time, bring your materials, sit in your seat...
Who's class is in room 14?
Ms. McPartland
Where is NCC? Name the city and state.
Worcester, Massachusetts
Name the three teachers for your group. What is the name of the class they teach?
Ms. McPartland, Ms. DePaul, Ms. Wood. Literacy, Language, Math
True or False: Chewing gum is allowed at school. What should you do if you are chewing gum in school?
FALSE!!!!! Please do not chew gum in school. Put it in the trash BEFORE the teacher asks you to.
Give an example of being responsible. Give and example of being irresponsible.
Cleaning up, using your agenda, taking care of school property, listening, asking questions, asking for help...
Which teacher plays a musical instrument in his classroom? What is the name of the instrument?
Mr. Gay keyboard
Name ALL of the classes you take at NCC.
ESL, ELA, Math, Science, History, Music, Gym, Art, Health
What is the name of the woman who cooks all of the food at NCC. She works in the cafeteria. What should you ALWAYS say before and after she serves you food?
Ms. Jane. Please and thank you.
Where are the schedules posted? How do you know which schedule is for your group?
In the hallway. Each schedule is labelled with the college name and mascot.
Where are all the flags from different countries displayed in the school?
In the cafeteria.
When can you go to the bathroom? When can't you go to the bathroom?
You can go to the bathroom when the first bell rings. You can't go to the bathroom during class.
What is the name of the newest teacher at N.C.C.? What subject does she teach?
Ms. Erickson Science
What do you do if you forgot your pencil, notebook, or schedule? What do you do if you forgot your homework or could not complete it?
Borrow a pencil, paper, or schedule from a friend or the teacher. Tell the teacher BEFORE class and then bring it the next day or ask the teacher for help.
Describe a safe action in the classroom and a dangerous action in the classroom
walking not running handing a pencil to a friend not throwing it. push in your chair not leave in the middle of the floor.
What is Ms. McPartland's favorite animal? What is yours?
Shark. Your turn!
What does N.C.C. stand for?
New Citizens Center
EZ is the man who keeps our school clean and safe. What is his job title? Name the job.
What are the three consequences for using a cell phone in school? First, Second, Third,
First, the teacher takes your phone and gives it back to you at the end of the day. Second, Mr. Alzamora takes your phone and asks your parents to come to school to get it back. Third, suspension :(
Name all four PBIS rules. Hint: Be...
Be Here, be ready Be Respectful Be Responsible Be Safe
Recite the pledge of allegiance.
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America And to the Republic for which it stands, one nation, under God, indivisible, for liberty and justice with all.