Safety Dance
We did'nt start the fire
Secure and sound
OMG...Am I safe?
Well that was weird
You need one of these so you are accounted for

What is a signed hall pass


This is the way a class should exit the building

What is single file and silent?


This is the action of "goofing off" and playing rough which is not tolerated during drills

What is horse playing?


This person should be your point person for problems, questions, help at CMS.

Who is your TA teacher.  

We want every student to have a "go to adult"  we hope that person is your TA teacher!  Make sure to share in TA and get to know them.  You of course can have several "Go to" people.


Your class is asked to leave a room, you should do this.

What is Follow the request with out asking why or delay.

Sometimes students need space, there is an emergency need for privacy or a leak in the ceiling

Help us out by making this transition quickly and safely.


This is what you should do if you see something wrong or unsafe

What is report it to an adult immediately


You should remain with this person when an alarm sounds

Who is the teacher you are with ?

Teachers will take attendance and account for each and every one of you.  SIGN OUT! Communicate and be where you are supposed to be 


When you hear a secure the building call 

What is seek the closest room?


You go to this person when there is something on your mind and you need help thinking it through.

Who is your School Counselor.

When something is bothering you and you need someone with A LOT of experience with this as for a pass to see Mrs. P or Mrs. GW.  While friends are great supports these two folks have so much experience with what you are going through and are suuuuuuuper friendly and helpful.  


When this happens bathrooms become un-useable

What is vandalism.

Students that break things at school are wasting everyones time and money.  Vandalism is actually a crime.  Bills and consequences will always follow.

Graffiti and deliberatye computer damage is vandalism


This is the way you should travel through the halls

What is walking on the right.

This is the way students should descend the stairwells.

What is to the right ?

This is so firefighters can enter with their gear if it is a real fire.


This is what you should NEVER do during a Lock Down

What is fool around and make noise?

Study's show that school shooters go to where the sound is.  Keep everyone safe.  Sit on the floor and be quiet.


What you do when you are aware of Bullying, Harassment or dangerous self harming behavior

What is report it to a trusted adult?

Please know these reports are taken seriously and are totally private.  Please do not report "Publically" but find a quiet time and place to discuss bad, mean or bullying behaviors to your TA teacher or Trusted adult.


What I should do if I hear all afterschool activities are cancelled

What is go home on my regular bus or regular way?


The act of informing adults to keep others safe should always be

What is confidential?


You should never ever open these when you are in a emergency situation or drill.

What are fire doors?

Doors close to help keep a fire from spreading.

Doors should be closed, lights off, and if time windows closed.


This is where you should sit during a secure the building drill

What is on the floor (silently)?


These 3 things should never be in school.  Having them in school WILL result in a suspension and police intervention.

What any drugs, alcohol or weapon?

Tobacco, vapes, drugs in any form or a weapon will result in suspensions up to 10 DAYS!


You should go here if a secure the building happens at lunch.

Where is the gym.

If a secure the building happens during lunch time students should listen for instructions and move quickly and QUIETLY to the gym.  You will be instructed to sit with your backs to the wall the entry doors are on.


This inventor, who is on the $100 bill, said " An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure"

What is pulling Ben Franklin


These identify all types of vapor and smoke in the halls and bathrooms.

What are smoke detectors?


You should never do this during a lock down.

What is open a locked door?


Mean words, pictures or online behavior may be one of these even if it happens out of school

What is Bullying or Harassment.

You will learn more about this but "online drama" can and will come to school making it a school issue and can result in a charge of bullying or harassment resulting in a suspension


Where you go if an alarm sounds at lunch time

What is to my regular CORE GROUP line up spot.

If an alarm sounds during lunch you should listen for adult direction and head out the CAFETERIA doors and meet the teacher you are assigned to be with during your PERIOD 2 class.  (Teachers read this 2x)
