Motion and Kinetics
Ecology and general
Earth Science

This is what the principle of conservation of energy states.

What is energy can neither be created nor destroyed, only converted from one form to another?


This is the name of one part that is inside of a cell.

What is one of the following: nucleus, cell wall, cell membrane, mitochondria, ribosomes, endoplasmic reticulum, golgi body, lysosomes, vacuoles, chloroplasts.


Fill in the blank:

Each parent passes on one ________ to its offspring, giving the offspring a complete set of pairs.



As you move up the food chain (Ex: plant -> cow -> human), is there more or less energy available?

Less energy


This is what rocks are made up of. (Hint: it was our unit before we studied rocks....)


(And minerals are made up of elements.)


Which of the following statements is false?

A. A force is a push or pull on an object.

B. A force always results in a change in motion of an object.

C. Inertia is the tendency of an object to resist change to its motion.

B is false - forces don't always result in a change in motion.


The powerhouse of the cell. 



Of the following, which ones are homozygous?

A. tt

B. Tt


A. tt and B. TT are homozygous (Both alleles are the same.)


When taking the WI Science Forward test, which of the following should you keep in mind?

A. Read all provided information carefully.

B. It is an untimed test so you can take as much time as you need.

C. Do your very best, you want your score to reflect your true ability in the subject and you want it to reflect positively on you and your school.

D. All of the above

All of the above (D)


This is the general difference between visible light and x-rays, radio waves, infrared rays, etc.

Different wavelengths on the electromagnetic spectrum (they either have longer or shorter wavelengths then visible light)


True/False In Science, you are considered to be accelerating when you are in a car that is slowing down.

True - Acceleration can be positive or negative.


This is the difference between a Eukaryote and a Prokaryote.

Eukaryote = has a nucleus

Prokaryote = doesn't have a nucleus


This is what different forms of a gene are called.

What are Alleles?


When dividing an environment into biotic or abiotic factors, what is being referred to by the use of these two words?

Biotic: living

Abiotic: not living


These are the three types of rocks (each rock = 50 points)

This is how each type of rock forms (each correct description = 50 points).

Igneous - from molten rock (volcanoes!!) (cools above or below the ground)

Sedimentary - cemented together pieces of pre-existing rocks or once living organisms

Metamorphic - intense heat and pressure being applied to a pre-existing rock


(part 1) The KE and PE in the following equations stand for ________ and ________.

(part 2) This is what these two vocabulary words mean.

KE = (1/2)mv2

PE = mgh   (g = 9.8 m/s)

(part 1) KE = Kinetic Energy 

PE = Potential Energy

(part 2) Kinetic energy is the energy of motion, and potential energy is the energy stored in an object typically due to its height.


Which two of the following cell parts are only found in plant cells?

nucleus, cell wall, cell membrane, mitochondria, ribosomes, endoplasmic reticulum, golgi body, lysosomes, vacuoles, chloroplasts

cell wall and chloroplasts (chloroplasts create the green color and is where photosynthesis occurs)


Blue eyes = tt

Brown eyes = Tt or TT

Is it possible for two parents with brown eyes to produce a baby with blue eyes?

Yes, using a Punnett square you'll see if both brown eyed parents have Tt genotype there is a 25% chance they will have a blue eyed baby.


The study of the interaction between organisms and their environment is called ________.



These are the three types of plate boundaries and what causes the plates to move.

Divergent, convergent, transform

They move on convection currents in the mantle. (The general direction of flow in the upper mantle must match the direction that the plate is moving.)


If given mass and acceleration, this is how would you calculate force using Newton's second law.

What is Force = Mass x Acceleration ?


Correctly fill in the blank for ONE of the following:

_______ is where protein synthesis occurs.

_______ is the processing center of the cell.

_______ is the storage area of the cell.

_______ carries proteins to the golgi body.

Ribosomes is where protein synthesis occurs.

Golgi body is the processing center of the cell.

Vacuoles is the storage area of the cell.

Endoplasmic Reticulum carries proteins to the golgi body.


This is the difference between genotype and phenotype.

Genotype = organisms genetic makeup

Phenotype = an organisms physical appearance


In Science this is the difference between theory and hypothesis.

Hypothesis: A proposed explanation made on the basis of limited evidence as a starting point for further investigation.

Theory: Well-tested and substantiated explanation.


This is the primary source of phosphorous and nitrogen pollution in our waterways.

Soil runoff
