The people who know what you are going through because they are going through it too
Who are the other students and/or friends?
You may have more of this in middle school than in elementary school.
What is independence or responsibility (homework)
A grade from 82-91 on an assignment is this letter grade:
What is an B
What is the average grade on tests?
During of your elementary years, you have one class to stay in, in middle school, what do you do?
What is move to different classes in different rooms
The person that can help you select resources including books
Who is the librarian?
In middle school you may store your belongings.. where..
What are lockers
Students can check their grades in this system:
What is PowerSchool?
If you are feelings confused about your grade on your test, who can you talk to?
What is ask that exact teacher.
A good place to study or research.
What is the library or a quiet spot?
This person will help you with a smooth transition and will support you academically, personally, socially and with career exploration.
Who is the School Counselor?
The 4 subjects you will take as main classes are:
What is math, ELA, Science, and Social Studies
How can you talk to the school counselor?
What is have your parents reach out or you reach out to your counselor to talk to them
A great way to meet new friends
What is introduce yourself, join a club or sport, or talk to someone new at lunch.
The leaders of you school will be:
What is the principal and assistant principals?
This class teaches about fitness and nutrition:
What is Physical Education (P.E.)
What is it called if someone is being mean to you, there is an imbalance of power, it is on purpose and consistently happening?
What is Bullying
The grades that are in Middle School are:
What are 6th, 7th, and 8th?
Special activities that exist in middle school after school
What are sports or clubs?
One whole school year that is split into four is called a trimester. Two trimesters are called ____
What is Semester
What club can you join if you want to bring more school spirit into the school?
What is Student Council
Most of your classes will stay the same throughout the school year besides which ones?
What is electives