The people who know what you are going through because they are going through it too
Other students and/or friends
In middle school your school day will start earlier or later than elementary school
A student in your classroom stares at you.
In order to do well on your tests, you should...
Study and complete all homework and classwork
In elementary school you have one class to stay in, whereas in middle school you...
Move to different classes in different rooms
The person that can help you with your schedule
The school counselor
In elementary school you stored your belongings in your desk, in middle school you store your belongings in the
The lockers
A student in your class is NOT doing his/her work.
If you are confused or need help you should...
Ask your teacher or school counselor
A good place to get homework done would be..
The library
This person will help you with a smooth transition and will support you academically, personally, socially and with career exploration.
The School Counselor
This is the way your work will be graded
A to F
A student on the bus tells you that when you both get off the bus today, he and his friend are planning on beating you up.
If someone is bullying you, you should...
Tell your parent, teacher, school counselor and write it down
A great way to meet new friends would be to..
Joining a club or sport after school
The leaders of you school will be:
The principal and assistant principal
This activity does not exist in middle school
You have heard that a student in your class is spreading rumors about you and they want to fight you after school.
If you see someone else being bullied you should...
Tell a nearby adult
Your teachers will give you more
Homework, projects, tests and responsibility
The fewest amount of teachers that you would have would be..
Special activities that exist in middle school
Clubs and sports
A student follows you into the bathroom several times during the school week. When you are in there, they demand that you give them your money or they will
If you are feeling depressed you should:
Talk to your school counselor, your parent or your teacher
We will all do well in middle school because we are..
Smart, capable, strong, friendly, outgoing, fun, amazing.. students!